|twenty three|

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Guys I can't even remember the girlfriends names so like I'm taking a while okay so give me time pls I love you

C h a r l o t t e

"Charlotte?" Calums' voice shocked me,'I don't know why but it did.

"Calum, I can't do this"

"Charlotte? What's going on?" He asked, hesitantly.

"He's everywhere! Everywhere I fùcking go he's there!" I broke down, I missed Michael too much to hold my emotions in anymore.

There was shuffling I could just about hear over my sobbing.

"Charlotte, babe?" Rorey's soft voice spoke, making my sob harder. "You need to calm down, hunny"

I tried stopping the tears but they fell harder.

"I c-can't do this anymor-e, I-I'm sorry" I put the phone down, dropping it and running upstairs to the bathroom. It's where I kept my wonderland.
Hi guys hello

I'm so so sorry I don't update a lot anymore but school is such a night mare oh my god but I'm nearly on Term break so I will update a lot more then and I'll update like Saturday's and Friday's and when ever I can.

I love youuuuu



-Tianna xx

Faded||M.G.C (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora