3: Humiliation

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"Now... Bend over."

Those words pierced into me like they were wooden skewers and I was a tender piece of meat.

'No... This can't be happening!'

I very slowly curved my spine but something caught my attention...
From my view I could just see outside... A boy... Was waiting just outside our house.

He looked tall as he was higher than the fence and I only just reached the very top... The boy was wearing a school uniform, the exact same school I attended!

He had very dark brown hair, almost black, he was also quite pale skinned and thin looking...

"Da- master..." I whispered as quietly as I could.

The boy wasn't doing anything, he was just standing there, not looking towards the door but waiting by the fence... Almost... Hidden from my view.

"LISTEN TO YOUR MASTERS ORDERS!" He roared, his booming voice causing me to jolt and make an innocent mewl. I was so sick of this.

The boy outside reacted too, his eyes flicked straight towards the door as he leaned up against the wire gate. Who was he? He looked a little older than me... Almost familiar. Had I seen him at school?

"Pft... Make me..." I huskily whispered to myself... The words I would dare utter to him or I'd be regretting it my entire life.

'Please... Just go away! Stop staring over here!' I thought in a panic... He couldn't possibly see inside? Right? Or even understand the situation that was going on inside this house.

"Disgraceful..." Dad was right behind me now, his crotch rubbing up against my naked skin.

I could hear the very sound of his belt clinking as he undid it from his waist and pulled it straight out... The screeching noise of the leather material against his jeans... I hated it.

If I hear it to this very day I cringe and switch into panic mode.

"Now... What did I say again?" He spoke in a calm monotone timbre that sent shivers down my spine.

He took a few steady steps back and inhaled.

"Oh... That's right. BEND THE FUCK OVER! Or I'll MAKE you." I trembled as I looked at the boy, he kept staring over at the door that I was pushed up against...

"B-but da-"

"MASTER!" He quickly interrupted and lashed me right behind the knees... Forcing me to the ground. I shut my eyes... Hoping this was just a nightmare, and I'd wake up in my old room at my old house... Going to my old school... With my warm mother helping me on the way.

But no.

This was reality now.

"Now..." He came over and pushed my head to the floor, my back arching as he accessed the damage.

He grunted and spread the cheeks while I glared attentively at the carpet.
My heartbeat quickening as I knew I'd been found out.

The suspense... The intensity... The deafening silence.

"Not one spot of blood..."

I was bawling my eyes out already.
I just wanted to be safe again.
I didn't want his hands on my body.
I was sick of it!

I wanted to go... Someplace else...

"Stupid boy... YOU FUCKING TELL ME THE MOMENT THAT WOUND HEALS!" He lectured me about my own body for about ten minutes... All I could do was nod and agree with tears rolling down to my neck.

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