4: Acquaintances

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I pulled my school bag up higher onto my shoulders as I strode on to school.

'Well... Look on the bright side. Once my hellish day at school is over I can go home to... to my...'

I squeezed my hands into fists and made a weak grunt.

"Something wrong with you?" A fresh tone called out from behind.

His voice reminded me of mint... It was soothing and... Cold. Most of all, it was fresh.

I briefly froze.

"Just fuck off." I muttered and continued to walk. I felt powerful using that word.

I heard hard footsteps darting towards me. I felt a soft tug on my backpack.

"I'm sorry about them. They can be kind of snooty... I don't really regard them as my friends. You kind of look like you need someone..." He sure was persistent.

I sighed and furrowed my brows as I turned around reluctantly.

My gaze face to face with his chest.

I nervously looked up... It was him. The boy I saw near my door...

He... Smiled.

"I've seen you around school. You never talk to anyone, not even the teachers, you don't even answer to your name when it's roll call." He placed his pale hand upon my shaking shoulder.

I jolted and pushed him away.

He had to take a few steps back... I didn't know I had such strength.

"Dude... I didn't mean to freak you out. I just wanted to ask... If you wanted to be frien-"

I shoved him again, this time more violently.

"Yeah well, I DON'T CARE!" I screeched and continued to walk to school, leaving him behind me, clutching his chest.

'He'd just use me... like my dad uses me... Men. They're all the same!'

"Wait up!"

He really wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"I know your life is tough! I just want to help you, I can't stand seeing you alone and..."

I stopped again and took a sharp inhale.

"Just what the hell do you know about my life?!" I raised my wrist to my eyes as they began to water and twitch.

"... nothing. But... I'm willing to save you."

His kind words couldn't possibly help. There was no way anyone could help.

"Oh yeah? And how do you suppose you could do that? And why in the fuck would you want to help me anyway?!" I turned around again. My embarrassingly red face exposed to him.

"I made you cry...? I... Really didn't mean to! It's just... I can't stand seeing other humans in pain, I want to stop pain in everyone!" He vociferated. Yet it still came across as calming.

He glanced at his watch.

"Jesus... school is about to start." He snatched my hand up and began to run, his backpack bouncing around as I was practically being dragged behind him.

Once we got to the awful wooden gates he sat me down on one of the benches.

"After school... Meet me right here ok? Right. Here." He tapped the bench and ran into school.

"I won't leave until you come!" He hollered back.

I couldn't believe he talked to me... I didn't even know his name, let alone... What the hell he needed to do with me. He was definitely the popular type.

I shrugged it off as something that was too good to possibly be true.

After school was over I ran right home. Mum had called the school and said I had to come home very soon, for she had important family news.

I bolted down the street until reaching the house, mums car was parked outside and my sisters shoes were placed beside the door... The family was home.

Mum always left early and came home late... As for my sister, she never really came home, but like id blame her. It was a smokey, sleazy, smelly bachelor pad for my Father. It hardly belonged to us.

I entered through the door... Everyone was sitting down on the couch looking somewhat civilised.

"Shino, you're finally home, we've been waiting for you." My mother said in delight.

I couldn't smell anything unpleasant...

The place had been cleaned up... Dad was even looking somewhat "presentable", and my sister... I hadn't seen her in a week. But she hadn't changed one bit.

I dropped my bag beside the door and hesitantly came to sit down... Everyone looked so neutral.

"Well... Oh gosh... This is never quite easy..." My mother began.

Terrible assumptions flooded my mind. My immediate thought was that someone in this room was terminally ill... I hoped it was my father.

"Your father and I have been doing some talking, which we haven't done for a while. And... I think it's time this family went their separate ways. Your father and I have been divorced for some time, and since we haven't met anyone new we've still been together as a family. Though... I can hardly say this is a normal family." My mother lowered her gaze to her shoes.

My sister and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Well... I met someone." My mother began.

"That's why I haven't been coming home as often as I should, I feel as if I'm neglecting both of you." She sighed in a guilty tone.

"He and I have been dating for some time and we think it's time to move in together." My mum folded her arms and leaned back into the couch

"And I have been offered a job in Australia." My father finished.

"So... Kids. It's your choice. We are going to leave it up to you. You can stay here in Tokyo with me and your possible step father, or move to Australia with your father."

I didn't need to make up my mind.

My mum... Tokyo... Here.

This was my escape, no more father, it was OVER!

I never knew I'd feel such joy again in my life!

"Well, you two think about it." We all got up, I immediately went to my room. My mum must of thought I was upset, when in fact I was the very opposite.

'Oh god... I completely forgot...'

I left that dark haired boy at school...

I rushed down the stairs and went for the door.

It'd been at least an hour... He couldn't still be there.

"Ah left my homework at school!" I blurted out as I left.

I ran for my life... I don't know why I suddenly had all this energy inside of me.

Halfway there I saw something approach my vision, but couldn't stop to see what it was.


I fell down on my tailbone, it hurt so much I could hardly move.

I lay on the concrete for what felt like an eternity. 'What was that?'

I felt so dizzy... It was something bouncy and yellow.

"Ah are you alright!?" The minty voice yelled out in concern.

I opened my eyes to see him... He helped me up by the hand, I recoiled in pain.

"I heard you all the way from Scho- Ay?" He reached down to pick up the object I had fell on.

"Ah I was looking for this everywhere! It's my ball, I'm so sorry you tripped on this." He wiped it on his shirt and stuffed it in one of his pockets.

Once I was standing on both of my legs I had composed myself enough to ask him.

"Wh... What is your name?"

These Damn Hidden Desires (BoyXBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora