Chapter 2-Vivian

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Vivian woke up to the sound of clanking armor, galloping horses, and shouts from around the castle. She pulled on the soft material that was hardly worn by Anika. She put on a veil. A servant came in with breakfast. Vivian could get used to this.

After breakfast, she wandered around the castle. Her shoes clicked on the floor, which felt stranger to her than the feeling the high heels gave her. Now that she was crown princess, it was up to her to have sound judgment, but she didn’t know the first thing about being a princess. Another servant, by name of Benila, waited on Vivian hand and foot.

“M’lady, are you alright?”

Vivian and Benila had been close friends; both had helped Anika together. Vivian had to let Benila know the truth, but she was not ready to do so. Women and children needed organizing into safety. When she double checked, she realized that the king had taken all boys over the age of ten, and many of the male servants were included. As the day dragged on, she realized there was the possibility of being held under siege.

Benila and Vivian stood overlooking the valley. There was a huge field stretching miles in front of them. A forest was to their left, and a swamp to the right. Vivian could just barely make out the two armies, clustered on two hills in the rain.

“M’lady, shall I take you inside?”

“No Benila, I will be fine.”

“But you are soaking wet.”

“Go Benila.” She commanded.

Benila nodded and left Vivian standing alone. A tear ran down her cheek. The king was out there with his knights facing imminent death. Anika had rushed out into her own death, dragging Calum with her. But why Calum? Why had Anika chosen him? Was that because he was a little clumsy and she could sneak him past her father? Or was it because of something more? Did she like him?

Nonsense! Anika was a princess, and Calum a pathetic servant. But as she continued thinking, Vivian began to wonder if Anika was trying to prove herself to the world. If she was trying to do that, then flirting with a servant was definitely not going to get her anywhere. But maybe she was trying to prove herself to…herself. Was Calum there to help her with this tedious task? Calum and Anika were very similar, Vivian realized. Maybe this was a task that they needed to undertake together.

Vivian looked up. The sky was black, rolling with clouds so close she could touch them. Fog was floating in, hiding the entire castle. Vivian put a hand on the wall and carefully made her way through the thick gray clouds that obscured her view of the ground. Once back in Anika’s quarters, she stripped off her wet clothes and got into some dry ones. Benila was there soon after and gave Vivian her evening meal.

After a knock, Vivian pulled on a veil again. “Enter.”

“M’lady. My name is Seth.” He was about twenty-two.


“I have been ordered to protect you.”

“By who?”

Seth leaned in. “I am Calum’s brother. Anika sent me to replace him.”

“You better not be lying to me.” She said quickly.

“I’m not.”

“Then why aren’t you fighting? Calum’s the one who can’t wield a sword.”

“Really? He outdoes me.” Seth said it nonchalantly.

“You’re lying. Calum can’t do anything.”

“That’s what he pretends. Anika sees right through it. She trusts him with her life.

I am here to swap places so nobody gets suspicious.”

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