Chapter 17-Gwaine

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Gwaine watched Merlin leave. He had the sneaking suspicion that the boy knew more than he was letting on. Of course, he was holding back information too, but if Merlin knew even the tiniest bit of what Gwaine was hiding, the results could be catastrophic. One long, hard battle later, Gwaine and Arthur were sitting in the tent, being challenged by Dagoth, the same boy he’d seen in the tavern. He had challenged them to a miniature duel and rendered both Arthur and Gwaine weaponless.

“Now are you ready to listen?” Dagoth said with a smirk.

“I’m done listening to you. All you do is spout lies. If you wanted to do anything about that prophesy, don’t.”

“Why? Because Emrys is already looking for it?”

Gwaine cocked his head to the side. “Who’s Emrys?”

Dagoth didn’t reply. “At any rate, the things I told you back then are already in action.”

“Don’t I know it.” Gwaine muttered. “Anika’s baby…”

“Demon child!” Dagoth roared, causing both men to stagger back from the sheer force of his anger.

“I beg your pardon?” Arthur asked. He regareded Dagoth skeptically.

Dagoth leaned in until he was barely an inch from Arthur’s face. “If Calum had not impregnated her, and I had instead, we would already have won the battle against Obsidian’s curse. Instead, that passionate, impulsive, and foolish girl chose the exact man to produce a demon child. Jenna is going to gain a huge advantage over us, and the first part of the prophesy has already unfolded.”

“What prophesy?” Arthur asked.

“The one Emrys is searching for right now.”

Arthur raised an eyebrow. “Who is Emrys?”

Dagoth shrugged. “I’ve never met him, but you both have.” Gwaine and Arthur shared a look. “He’s a warlock, and also the last dragonlord.”

“Dragonlord?” Arthur asked skeptically.

“The title and power passes from father to son.”

“But Balinor is already dead.”

“His son is the last dragonlord. His son is Emrys.”

“Did they ever meet?” Gwaine asked.

“Yes. Emrys was one of the two men there when he died.”

Arthur had a confused expression on his face, and then suddenly, the truth hit him like a ton of bricks. “Merlin.” He breathed.

Dagoth chuckled. “He’s not as much of an open book as you thought, is he?”

“He never told me?”

Dagoth smiled. “He couldn’t. Your father would have killed him, and on other occasions, you would have too. Luckily for all of us, Merlin, or Emrys, was able to conceal his identity long enough. If he had ever died, nobody would be here right now. Jenna would be ruling over the entire of Albion, and everyone would be dead.”

Arthur sank to the bed in shock. “So it’s been Merlin, all this time? Saving my life, and yet receiving all the punishment and blame? Lying to me?” Arthur’s expression turned into fury. “When I get my hands on him…”

Gwaine grabbed Arthur’s arm. “Have you listened to anything Dagoth’s said? You can’t kill Merlin. It’ll only result in complete domination…by a woman.”

“Where is he now?”

Dagoth shrugged. “Probably where Gwaine helpfully guided him. He was planning on going there himself.”

“He’s not with Gaius.” It was a statement, not a question.

“He’s at the Isle of the Blessed.”

“Where is that? I need to find him.”

Dagoth rolled his eyes. “You need to stay here. He’ll come back, and he’ll be alive, I think. Patience my friend, you will get a form of revenge. Maybe he’ll reveal it to you himself. Provided he can find the prophesy.”

Arthur lowered his head into his hands. “I should have known this whole time. There were all these hints about everything! Strength, courage, and magic! Gwaine? That meant us, and we were blind enough to not know.”

“Or he was trying his best to hide it and still act normal.” Gwaine replied.

“He did a pretty good job of it.”

“Does anyone else know?” Arthur asked with a sigh.

“Only other sorcerers from what I know. Lancelot and Gaius are the only ones in Camelot, I believe.”

Gwaine frowned. “And people he’s killed?”

“He’s killed many people and creatures. He’s probably doing it now, if I know anything about Emrys..”

Arthur turned to Dagoth. “Is that true?”

“Wherever the prophesy is, the path to it will be a long and dangerous one. Yes, Merlin is walking out with his life on the line. He is accompanied by Mordred, so maybe he’s not in the safest of situations.”

“His life on the line?”

“He very well might not make it, and then where would that leave us?” Dagoth smiled a bizarre toothy grin.


Haven't posted in forever, but I made some adjustments to most of the chapters after 8. The fourth season of Merlin is coming out and I'm quickly finding the flaws in my writing. Yea for season 4! And I've given you two chappies! I probably won't write for a while though.

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