Chapter 16-Mordred

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Mordred watched Merlin look over him, shocked to find him there. They had not gotten along for a while, and Mordred had been in league with Morgause and Morgana for some time. Now, Mordred was on his own.

Garrett spoke. “At the moment, these are the members of the counsil.” Merlin turned to stare at Garrett. “I will introduce them: Lianna, Trisniett, Noian, Caldid, and Mordred. This is Merlin.”

Merlin heasitantly took a seat. “This is the counsil?”

Lianna spoke. “We are what is left of those who still believe magic is used for good. Many of us have been either killed by kings such as Uther and Obsidian, but there are still a few of us who remain. There is one other woman, Caillah, who is currently searching for the prophesy. None of us are daring to reach out beyond this island, for fear of those who are evil, or men who would destroy our kind.”

“There’s more to fear than just men. Jenna looks to destroy us even now.” Merlin said. Lianna tensed up and looked away. “I’m the last dragonlord.”

“Then you are Emrys!” Lianna cried. Merlin nodded. “You are the one fated to find the prophesy. What are you doing cooped up in here? Go!” Lianna said urgently.

Mordred nodded. “I will come with you. This prophesy needs to be found and soon, if the counsil can start taking offensive moves.”

Merlin sighed. “I still don’t trust you, but I have no choice.”

Garrett stood up. “Both of you will go, but first, we want to bless you with a prophesy of our own.”

Lianna began to hum softly and Trisniett began to sing in gentle tones.

Two enemies join together

Fates intertwine

Past hatreds forgot

Friendship divine

A druid of skill

A warlock of power

A dragon of old

A dragonlord controls

Three wonders together

Their powers unfold

One mystery solved

Seven more to be told

The lights all flickered off and the room was silent. Mordred got to his feet. Telepathically, he said, “Ermys, we must go.”

They left after short good-byes, and Merlin was once again breathing fresh air. He turned to Mordred and the words of the prophesy came back to him. Seven more to be told. Was Mrodred’s union with Anika’s daughter one of them?

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