Chapter 5-Kilgan

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Kilgan’s journey had been long, and he was not enjoying the company of a servant. If this one was related to the idiot who had openly insulted him, rejected his superiority, and made a complete fool of him in front of his men, Kilgan would have to watch this one. He claimed his name was Calum, and Kilgan believed him, but if the boy did anything stupid, he would personally have him executed. On what charge? It didn’t matter.

Kilgan had soon made himself comfortable in his quarters. Glancing out the window, he could watch the city life down below. Anika seemed different to him. She seemed more laid back, as though she had changed who she was. And was it just him, or did she look prettier when in a dress? He shook his head. He was already engaged to another girl, by name of Jenna. She was from another castle, as the ward of another king. She was quite attractive and Kilgan soon was staring out the window dreamily. A knock startled him.


“It’s me, Calum.”

Had that much time already passed? It had. Two full hours had left him day dreaming about a girl he was going to marry in two months time. He followed the servant into the dining hall. Anika dismissed him. He sat across from her, trading pleasantries as multiple courses of food were brought to them. He counted twelve. When they were done, dishes were cleared, and they were left with their goblets of wine and mead. Every fifteen minutes or so, a servant refilled these goblets. A pressure began building behind Kilgan’s eyes. He figured he had drunk too much, but every time he looked at the goblet, it was empty again, then full when the servant left. He shrugged.

He and Anika made plans for holding refugees. They made a list of all the women and children who would require safety. Jenna’s name was put on the list. Anika glanced up at him as he shifted when she said her name.

“Is something wrong Kilgan?”

“No. It’s just that, can that girl stay here? I don’t want her too close to me yet.”

“Why not?”

“We’re…engaged and I want her near you.”

“For what reason?”

“In order to protect our marriage.”

“That’s fine with me. I’ll help make her dress if you want. When are you two going to wed?”

“Two months.”


“Thank you.” Was he just imagining it, or did Anika look upset at this? There seemed to be no cheerfulness in her voice. Forget about it. He told himself. He was already going to marry another girl. Did he care what one other girl thought about him? When the servant came back, they had finished their work, but around that same time, when Anika smiled through the veil, he realized he liked Anika.

Once he was in bed, he collapsed into dreams. He had these every night, but it was more of a nightmare. He watched as a knight dressed in black slashed a shining blade against his own. Then the knight strode confidently up to Obsidian. Angry words were traded before a final battle ensued between Obsidian and the black knight. A fatal blow was dealt to Obsidian and the knight ripped off his helm, triumphant. The sun lit up the area behind the knight, and Kilgan noticed that the knight had long brown hair. A girl? He suddenly got a good look at the face. Anika! He realized in shock. But her eyes held a red tint in them. Was she evil?

Kilgan jerked awake. It was just a dream. Anika was now a pretty princess, concerned with the affairs of state instead of being a knight. To reassure himself of this, he sought out Anika one last time before he left. She rode with him to the drawbridge, Calum trailing behind.

“Are you alright?” Anika asked him softly.

“Yes. I am fine. I enjoyed my stay. I will see you soon.” He waved a hand in farewell. “Don’t try anything stupid please.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it. I am enjoying this way of life.”

Why did she sound so genuine? Kilgan glanced back one last time as Calum pulled himself up behind Anika on the horse. His arms wrapped around her waist. Without knowing why, Kilgan was suddenly jealous. The horse cantered out of view. Kilgan shrugged, galloping his own horse into the forest. He was only a few hours distance from the castle when he heard voices. He came closer to investigate. Anika! It had to be Anika, and Calum was beside her. It was not until she had him pinned to the ground with Calum fetching her sword that he realized she had tricked him.

When she assured him of her faith in him with a gentle kiss good-bye, he felt a different side of her. When she claimed she wanted to be a knight, she was a feared character. More importantly, she could don a friendly attitude, with no trace of haughtiness.

He left her and Calum alone. As he rode off, it hit him. If Calum was with the real Anika, then Seth was the boy who had wronged him. Fury filled Kilgan. He hated liars, especially liars who had already wronged him. He was going to pay Seth back for the wrongs done to him.

When he got back to his castle, he found Jenna waiting for him. “Jen.”

“Kilgan! Do you love me?” She quickly asked.

“Of course. I will always love you.”


“Yes. Why?”

“I was just worried.”

Kilgan put his arms around her and kissed her lips. “I never go back on my word.  I love you.” She went to her room and he settled down in his own room to wrestle with his thoughts. Did Jenna know that he had begun to have feelings for Anika…Vivian? Did she know he had kissed the real Anika in the forest? Did she already know what was going to happen, or was he just too tired to sort out his thoughts. He decided to go to sleep. Jenna had been gone that day, he realized. Where had she been?

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