Chapter 7-Anika

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Anika woke up that morning feeling sick and cold. “Nervous?” Calum asked.

“A little.”

Calum helped Anika into her armor and chain mail as her nervousness peaked. “Settle down Ani. Knights don’t charge into battle clanking more from fear than from movement.”

Anika nodded. “It’s just that…who should I attack first?”

“Does it matter?”

She shrugged. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“How’s your stomach?”

“No feeling of magic. Just incredibly nervous.”

“Take it easy.” Calum soothed. He tied Anika’s cloak around her neck. He handed her the helm. She dropped it by mistake. As he got to his feet after picking the helm up, she pushed it away, bringing herself close to him and kissing him. He reciprocated, tenderly giving her the reassurance she needed. She pulled away, put on the helm, and mounted her black horse, riding out to the main field. The morning air held no warmth.

Anika shivered. “You okay?” He asked.

“Not exactly.”

“Why not?”

“I could die today.”

Calum frowned. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“You won’t try to let anything happen, but inevitably, it will.”

“Listen to me. I love you. And now that we are some of the most powerful beings in the world, I will do all in my power to help you.”

“That’s just it! If Seth were here, he would know the bounds of his power. You don’t!”

Calum flinched. “But I can still help you.”

“Magic is outlawed where we’re going. You don’t fully comprehend how to act with your mind. You have to practice more. Don’t use magic unless I am going to die.”

“And how will I know that?”

“You won’t.”



“If you ever get around to it, will you marry me?”

She glanced at him, shocked. “Now?”

“After. We’ll get a few people, a cleric, my brother, and Vivian. Make it short and simple. I just can’t stand not being with you.”

Anika flushed. “I guess.”

“Good.” Calum grinned and kissed Anika on the mouth. “Now go and do what you were meant to do.”

She smiled at him. “Will do.”


She grinned. “Enjoy going to die?”

“Well, the odds are against us.”

“I generally like those odds.”

“Of course you do.”

Anika pulled on her helm and clanked her way out of the cave. Calum couldn’t help but laugh. Once on the field, she found her father and his allies had set up camp on one side, while Obsidian and his allies had set up on the other side. She grinned.

“What’s your plan Ani?”

“I’m going to ride out into the middle and challenge any knight who will face me. Tomorrow, I’ll go scout out other kingdoms.”

“Only Kilgan will know who you are.” He continued.

“Um…Kilgan is in Avrin’s castle, so I’m not too worried about him.”

“Who’s the one you’re going for?”

“Eventually, I’m going to kill Obsidian.”

Calum chuckled. “Good luck.”

“Get your helm on and maybe I’ll let you laugh.”

Anika clicked her tongue and galloped forward. She went straight for the center of the field and was unchallenged until she was parallel to both camps. Messengers from both camps came towards her. Calum waited in the clearing.

“Who are you?” One messenger asked. He was from Telin’s camp.

“Our leaders wish to know your business and whose side you’re on.”

In a low, gruff voice, Anika replied, “I am the Black Knight, Orestes. Send this message to your leaders: I, Orestes, choose no side for my own. Any knight may challenge me, and the fight will be to the death. The duel will be to the Knight’s Code. Any violating this will be killed. The practice of magic in such a duel is also forbidden. And as a slightly cheerful addition, This will also be the only time that members from both sides will meet without their swords drawn. Now go!” Anika shouted.

The men turned and left. She remained stationary. Calum rode up behind her and from the camps, she seemed to send him away as soon as he arrived, but they talked for a lot longer. Using telepathy, she managed to tell him her plans, while he continued to beg her to delay her actions for just a while longer.

Calum, have you lost your mind?

What do you mean?

I can’t just back down.

He pulled up beside her. I guess there’s no convincing you then?

No. You might as well just leave.

Sure thing. He turned his horse around and left.

Two knights soon rode up to Anika, one from each side. “Sir?” One asked.

“Who wishes to fight me first?”

There was a long pause. Anika then said, “I’ll fight you both.”

“We will not fight together!” One of the knights said.

“You will not fight together. It will be a three-way fight.”

Calum watched from the sidelines as Anika blocked, parried, and dealt blows. Other knights rode forward to form a ring around the trio and to make sure no rules were violated. Anika struck down the knight from Obsidian’s camp first, and followed directly after, the knight from her father’s camp.

“Are there anymore who wish to fight me?” Anika shouted, her voice thick and deep. Calum noticed she was not even breathing heavily. Over the course of another few hours, Anika killed eight more knights. By the time the day was out, a total of sixteen knights were dead. She rode away with knights swearing at her, threatening revenge. She galloped straight to Calum, and they turned to their left and entered their cave.

“Calum, do we have any silver armor?”

“Yeah…Seth’s pair.”

“You need to wear it?”


“Camelot’s banner was not in my father’s camp…nor was it in Obsidian’s. I’m going to recruit them…if I can. If I go in as Orestes, and they discover my true identity, then the whole game is off.”

“It’s a game?”

“Not exactly.”

“Well…here’s Seth’s armor.” Calum dressed himself in the armor while Anika pulled on a dress. Then they mounted their horses and rode onward towards Camelot.

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