Opposites Attract!!

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"No, Ash, you're way wrong, Contests are way better than Gym Battles!," Dawn shouted.

"No, you're wrong, Gym Battles are way better than Contests!," Ash shouted back.

Ash and Dawn have been fighting ever since Nando said that he didn't know what he wanted to do, Gym Battles or Contests.

"Nando, don't listen to Ash," Dawn said, "contests are way better!"

"You get to show off your Pokémon, and prove that you're the best Pokémon Coordinator in the Sinnoh Region!"

"No way Dawn," Ash scoffed, "Nando, being a Pokémon Trainer is way better, I mean, look how strong your Budew is!"

"You and your Budew were meant for Pokémon Battling!"

Nando looked at the two bickering 10 year olds and laughed.

"I've never met two kids that argue this much as they do!"
Nando thought.

"Ash, Dawn, I don't know what to choose right now, but I'll have an answer for you soon."

"Alright," Dawn said, "let's go find somewhere to set up camp!"

"Sounds wonderful!" Nando shouted.

*A few hours later*

Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Nando found a nice camping spot, and now they are relaxing by a fire. Ash and Dawn haven't said anything to each other since the fight, only exchanging looks occasionally.

"So Nando," Ash spoke up, "have you decided yet?"

Nando looked at Ash and Dawn and smiled.

"Yes Ash, I have decided," Nando said, " I have decided that I am going to do both!"

Ash and Dawn looked at Nando with a surprised look.

"Really?!" Ash and Dawn said at the same time.

"Yes, I realized that if I have a passion for Pokémon Battles and Contests, why not do both!"

"That's great!" Dawn shouted.

Once again, there was silence among the group. Dawn looked over at Ash to find him staring at her with a sad look plastered on his face.

"Hey Ash," Dawn said, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I should have controlled myself." "Pokémon Battling is really cool too, and I shouldn't have judged your opinion."

Ash smiled at Dawn and grabbed her hand. "Dawn, I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been so mean like that," Ash said as he squeezed her hand, "Pokémon Contests are really cool too!"

Dawn looked down at their hands and slightly blushed.

"So, are we friends?" Dawn questioned.

"Friends." Ash said.

Nando and Brock watched the heartfelt moment and smiled.

"Looks like opposites do attract!" Nando thought.

Hey guys!! Thanks for reading!! I'll try to keep updating as much as I can, however, I have been having some Writer's Block with my other Story and this one. Check out my Ash Ketchum X Reader called (Love Isn't Always Easy) By: Pearlshipper21. You'll see two Stories called that. Pearlshipping21 is my old account and I don't have anymore access to that account so I rewrote it on this one. Once again thanks so much for reading, and go Pearlshipping!!

-Pearlshipper21 (AshXDawn Forever!)

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