How Ash's and Dawn's Goodbye Should Have Happened (Pt:1)

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Ash, Dawn, and Brock were walking towards the peer because it was time for Ash and Brock to go back to the Kanto Region. Dawn was quiet the whole walk there, not one word coming out of her mouth. Ash looked at Dawn with a saddening look.

"Dawn, what's the matter? You haven't talked the whole way here!" Ash said.

Dawn looked at the two boys with tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I'm just going to miss you guys," Dawn said, "our journey together went by so fast, and I don't want it to end."

Ash looked at Dawn and smiled.

"Don't worry Dawn, we'll see each other again, I promise!''

"No need to worry, right Dawn!?," Ash shouted.

Dawn giggled at Ash using her catchphrase.

"Yep, no need to worry!," Dawn boasted.

Dawn looked at the two boys again and then looked up at the sunset. Dawn knew what she wanted to say to Ash, she wanted to tell him that she loves him; however, Dawn could never find the right words. She knew that today was the last day she could finally tell Ash her feelings before him and Brock got on that Ferry. Dawn knew she shouldn't have waited this long, but the truth was that she doesn't know if Ash will return the same feelings, and that scared her the most. Ash is her closest friend and the love of her life and she didn't want to let that go. Dawn looked back at Ash only to meet the eyes of the Raven Haired Trainer. They looked at one another, lost in each other's eyes. The two kept looking at each other until Brock finally spoke up.

"Hey guys, look's like we finally made it!"

Ash broke away from the eye contact, looking away with a slight blush on his face. Everyone thought that Ash was too dense and thickheaded to realize what loving someone meant. When looking at Dawn, Ash felt something inside he had never felt before, and it scared him. At first, Ash would try to push away that feeling; however, it somehow just kept getting stronger and stronger. He needed someone to talk to about the feelings he had for Dawn. Ash decided to turn to Brock for help.


It was the day when Dawn went out of her way to make Ash feel better by putting on a Pokémon Circus for him. No one ever went out of their way to make him happy. Whenever Ash was ever feeling down, Dawn was always there to help him to carry on, and he'd do the same thing for Dawn whenever she was feeling the same. Ash realized that him and Dawn had some sort of bond he couldn't describe, until it hit him., he loved Dawn. Ash never knew what love felt like at first, and to him, he loved the feeling. Ash decided that he wanted to sit down with Brock and tell him what he was feeling for Dawn. Ash, Dawn, and Brock were all sitting by the fire, talking about Ash's recent victory at the Hearthome Gym.

"Ash, you did such an amazing job today battling Fantina!," Dawn said, "I've never seen such an amazing bond with Trainers and their Pokémon before until I met you!'

Ash chuckled and slightly blushed, "Geez, thanks Dawn, I have to thank you too because after all,  we came up with Countershield together!"

" Thanks Ash!," Dawn yawned, "wow, I'm really tired so I'm going to head off to bed."

"Night Dawn!," Ash and Brock called out.

"Night guys!," Dawn said as she got up and crawled into her tent.

"Hey Brock, can I talk to you for a second?," Ash asked Brock.

"Sure Ash, what's on your mind?"

"Well it's about Dawn, Ash said, "I think I love her."

Brock looked at Ash with a shocked look on his face.

"No way, Ash, Ash Ketchum has finally started to like girls!," Brock chuckled.

Brock then gave Ash a serious look.

"Ash, are you sure that you love Dawn?"

Ash looked Brock straight in the face and smiled.

"Yes Brock, I really do," Ash said, "Every time I'm around Dawn I always get butterflies in my stomach, and every time we high five these shocks go through my body and my heart skips a beat, and today, when she put on the Pokémon circus for me just to cheer me up, I realized that what I feel for her is real, and I never want to let that go."

Brock smiled and put a hand on Ash's knee.

"Wow Ash, you really do love her don't you?"

Ash blushed and grinned.

"Yeah Brock, I really do."

The fire was starting to go out and Ash and Brock saw that it was starting to get late.

"Well, Ash," Brock said as he stood up, "I'm off to bed, see you in the morning."

"Night Brock!''

"Night Ash!"

Ash sat there for a moment longer then stood up and walked off to bed.
                                                   End of Flashback

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while!! I've been pretty busy with school and other things. I'm also sorry for stopping part 1 of this one shot and the end of a flashback; however, I promise that the ending will be amazing and it will be worth it! Thanks for reading!! Love you all!!

-Pearlshipper21 (AshXDawn)

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