When it Hurts the Most

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(A/N: I'm going to warn you guys right now. This is going to be an Anti-Amour OneShot that includes Serena. It has some feels so I'm warning you right now. This is still a Pearlshipping OneShot. This is also in Serena's point of view the entire time. It's going to be pretty short as well.)

It's been 25 years since Ash walked out of my life. I made the worst mistake ever by letting him go. My stupidity got the best of me, and I never got to tell him how I truly felt. Now he's with her. He's with the girl he never stopped talking about. To be honest, I'm jealous. I can imagine myself in her shoes, and living the life that was supposed to be mine. Now he's sitting there. Holding a child on his lap, as he sits next to her. I can see them laughing as they sit by the fire, enjoying their first Christmas with their child. Why didn't I say something when I had the chance? It hurts the most to see someone take something from you that you dreamed of having. I watch them once more before walking down the cold, snowy street.

"Why didn't I tell him?"

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