How Ash and Dawn's Goodbye Should Have Happened (Pt:2)

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*The Next Day*

Third Person:

"Well, we're finally here.," Brock said sadly while looking down.

"I really wish our time together didn't have to end, Dawn," Ash said.

"I'm gonna miss you guys. Promise me that we'll see each other again?," Dawn asked.

Ash smiled at Dawn and nodded, "I promise."

Ash and Dawn looked at each other until Dawn finally spoke up.

"Ash, I need to tell you something. I lo-.," Dawn never got to finish what she was saying because the Ferry's horn cut her off.

"Well, I guess it's time to go. Thank you Dawn, for everything. Traveling with you was amazing.," Brock said as he shook Dawn's hand.

"Bye Brock, thank you for everything."

Ash stared at Dawn trying to think of a way to say goodbye; however, he couldn't. He didn't want to say goodbye. Ash quickly put together the pieces of what he wanted to say and spoke,

"Dawn, thank you for traveling with us. You're an amazing girl, and I couldn't of asked for a better companion. Good luck with your Pokémon contests, and I can't wait to see you again.," Ash quickly said before walking towards the ferry.

"Ash, wait!," Dawn yelled as he turned around to see Dawn extend her arm in the air for a last high five.

Ash laughed and ran over to Dawn, and gave her a high five.

"Dawn, I have to tell you before I go. I love you.," Ash whispered as he took the hand he was high fiving her with and laced his fingers with hers.

"Ash, I love you too.," Dawn said as he kissed her.

Ash pulled away and smiled, "I'll see you later, Dawn."

"See you later, Ash."

Ash took off and ran up the stairs of the ferry. The ferry's horn went off one more time before beginning its decent. Dawn couldn't hold it in anymore and let the tears she was holding back fall down her face. All of a sudden she heard her name being yelled and looked to see Ash and Brock standing on the deck of ferry.

"Dawn!, Ash yelled, "No Need To Worry!"

Dawn laughed at Ash's use of her catchphrase, and took off running towards the end of the dock.

"Bye guys, see you later!"

"I love you Dawn!"

"I love you too, Ash!," Dawn yelled as the ferry faded from sight.

Dawn stayed on the dock until night had arrived, leaving with a smile on her face because she knows that she loves Ash, and she knows that he loves her too.

The End

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in so long!! I know this is short, but I think that it's pretty cute!! Thank you for reading!!

-Pearlshipper21 (AshXDawn)

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