Obscured history

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A/N: New chapter of TSOMS! In which we provide a bit more background for a very specific purpose. It's time for femslash!

Chapter 12: Obscured history.

December 22, 2030
Location: Newman-Woods residence
Time: 9:20 a.m.

There was the sound of a key going in the front door, and Robin knew that Juniper had finally arrived home. After Robin put some finishing touches on her appearance she went to the front door to greet her girlfriend.

For now Robin had a simple light orange blouse and skirt combo on. But Robin had a special outfit ready for later today.

"Good morning, sweetie," Juniper said as she set down her purse on a nearby table.

"Good morning, my darling Juniper," Robin said in response, feeling warm all over from the compliment. "The reservation for our dinner date is at eight-thirty tonight, and since I got the day off I'm going to let you decide what we do until then."

"I have some ideas," Juniper said. "But first I'm going to go take a shower and get ready."

"That's fine, I'll wait for you," Robin said. "But I'd like to hear about how everyone is after you finish!"

"Umm, about all the people I visited while I was out. It's a surprise," Juniper said as she walked towards their bedroom. "I'll talk to you about it at dinner, so please be patient until then."

With that Juniper entered the bedroom and shut the door, leaving Robin to wait outside.

Robin went into the living room and sat down in a sofa.. It seemed that Juniper was getting something ready as well for their third anniversary, and Robin was filled to the brim with anticipation. She didn't even mind how long Juniper had been gone. It wasn't as if this was the first time the two had been separated from each other for long periods of time. It was just a part of life....

April 15, 2028
Location: Newman Residence, Robin's room.
Time: 6:45 a.m.

The sound of knocking filled the room, rousing Robin from her sleep. She blearily sat up in her bed, wondering who was waking her up so early in the morning on a Saturday. As perky and energetic as Robin was most of the time, even she needed a rest once in awhile and usually did so on the weekends. This particular weekend Juniper was off with her Grandma on a hiking trip, which meant Robin had even less incentive to get up early.

"Are you awake, Robin?" her father asked from outside the door. "I have a trial later today and I could take you along for a practical lesson in prosecuting, if you want."

Robin seriously considered the offer. Her school finals were in only a couple months, and it would also be a good excuse to drop by the Prosecutor's office to look up the dates of the bar exam.

She'd never sat in on one of her father's trials before. In the past she'd always refused these invitations because she just didn't care about becoming a Prosecutor and prefered to focus on her art.

Lately her parents had been making a conscious effort to repair bridges with her, and it would be horrible for Robin to reject this opportunity. With this in mind Robin got out of bed and said in her brightest voice,

"Sure! I'll get ready right away!"

April 15, 2028
Location: Newman Residence, Dining room.
Time: 7:00 a.m.

As Robin chowed down on her breakfast she noticed her parents pouring over some papers, whispering intensely with each other. Every so often they consulted a calculator and frowned at the figures displayed on the screen.

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