Final chapter: Proof of love

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A/N: This is the final chapter of "The source of my strength". I...I really don't have the words to describe what I feel right now. Just that I'm proud to have been this story's author. Well, there's also an epilogue going up, so check that out next. For the final time: It's time for femslash!

Final chapter: Proof of love

May 8, 2031

Dressing room 1

10:00 a.m.

"It might be good for you to keep your hair down. Oh, and if you want I'll put some foundation on your face. Just to really make Robin's jaw drop when she sees you!"

Juniper couldn't help but giggle warmly at Athena's words, then said, "Put on as much makeup as you think I need, Thena."

"You really don't need that much, Junie," Athena said, carefully applying the foundation to her best friend's face. "Just a little to bring out how pretty you are."

Athena continued to touch up her childhood friend's appearance: adding a little bit of pale lipstick, combing Juniper's long hair, then clipping on the pair of sunflower earrings that Juniper had worn during her third anniversary date with Robin.

As this happened, Juniper tried to remain still but found she couldn't keep from fidgeting. Her heart was fluttering rapidly in her chest, and she felt short of breath. Joy and anxiety swirled around in her head in a confusing mix.

"This is it. I'm really getting married today," Juniper whispered to herself. The words resonated deep into the core of her being, amplifying the emotions she was feeling. Unfortunately, Juniper's already shallow breathing grew more rapid, and she started feeling light-headed.

"Calm down, Junie. Here, breathe into these," Athena said, handing Juniper a bouquet of colorful roses. Juniper took a few minutes to inhale the scent of the flowers, calming down with each breath she took.

Just a couple of hours ago, she had woken up in her bed with Robin. Robin herself had already gotten up, pacing around their room while sweating profusely. Juniper managed to calm down her fiancee long enough for them to eat breakfast. But before long the two of them had to part ways, with Juniper being driven to where the wedding was being held by Athena and Robin by Hugh. After arriving the two brides were then led to separate dressing rooms, and hadn't seen each other since then. The next time they would lay eyes on each other would be during the wedding ceremony.

The moment Juniper stepped into her designated dressing room Athena sprung into action, getting Juniper into her wedding dress and then doing her makeup. The defense attorney took her role as a bridesmaid very seriously, and in fact took it upon herself arrive at the venue several hours ago to make sure the ceremony was on track before going to pick up Juniper.

Athena was dressed in a bright-yellow, sleeveless dress, allowing for Juniper to see the proof of friendship on Athena's right bicep. This in turn caused Juniper to look at her own proof of friendship, still on her right wrist after all this time. Being that it was made over six years ago, the color of the band had dulled, and the design of the two clasped hands was a little faded.

Looking at it, however, helped Juniper calm down completely. The anxiety melted away, to be replaced by the flame of deep, enduring love. Everything was going smoothly for once, and all that was left was for Juniper to step out of this dressing room. Outside of the room, the altar would be waiting. That's where she would meet Robin, at long last.

"Looks like you're feeling a lot better, Junie," Athena said gently. "This is such a big day, and I can't blame you for being nervous. I'm sure Robin's just as anxious as you, and probably already raring to go. You know how she gets."

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