Our home together

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A/N: The first TSOMS of the new year! *flails* The more time passes, the more things change. So let's catch up and see how our girls have been doing, shall we? Its time for femslash!

The source of my strength, Part 2: Living in the world at large

Arc 4: Of Reality and Harmony
Chapter 16: Our home together

December 22, 2030
Outside the movie theater
2:10 p.m.

"Ahhhhh, that movie was so adorable!" Robin gushed as she and Juniper left the theater. She felt warm and fuzzy all over, and there was still so much of the day left for things to get even better.

"I'm glad I picked that movie then," Juniper said as she walked next to Robin. "Watching it with you reminded me of all the time I spent with you back when we were going to Themis Legal Academy. All the happy memories we've shared together, and- and ev-even some of the less than happy times."

The same memories had been rushing through Robin's mind as well. The movie especially reminded her of the sacrifices that had to be made in order to reach where she was today. The arrest of her parents had been an earth-shattering event in Robin's life, but time waited for no one- she quickly found herself having to cope with the repercussions of that day.

"W-e-l-l, since you paid for our movie tickets let me pay for lunch," Robin said as she led the way to their car, a small, bright-red two seater. Both women had free use of the car, and if one of them was using it the other usually used public transportation. "I already have an idea of where to go next!"

Even as Robin got in the driver's seat and focused her eyes on the road in front of her, her heart and mind continued the walk down memory lane. Of those days when they first were cast into the adult world.....

July 2028 to December 2028

Robin didn't stay long in the house of her childhood. Every time she passed her parents' bedroom her heart screamed in pain. She did arrange visits to the prison where her parents were serving their sentence, but the prison was so far away it wasn't something she could do very often.

So it was that not long after she got access to the funds that her father had set aside for her that she looked up the numbers of realtors. The sheer amount of money inside the account was clearly meant to support Robin comfortably for many years. Robin, however, had not exactly been thinking in the long term in those days.

September 2028

"We're looking for a house where we can live comfortably. Preferably one with a guest bedroom."

"We do have a few single-story houses that might fit your needs," the realtor told Juniper. "If you'll just follow me."

Juniper and Robin followed the realtor around the neighborhood, soaking in the quiet atmosphere of the peaceful block, the most ideal of the places they'd visited that day.

"Has your Grandma settled in at the home yet?" Robin asked Juniper as the two of them walked together. She had told Robin that her Grandma had planned to join them in the city shortly after graduation, but that turned out to mean moving into an old folks home that was nearby.

"She does seem to be happy there," Juniper answered, a bittersweet smile on her face. "She told me we should visit her anytime we want."

Of course, the two girls had asked Mrs. Woods why she didn't just live with them, and Virginia had simply answered that the time had come for them to part ways.

"Here we are. I think this house suits your needs."

Robin turned to see what the realtor was talking about- and instantly fell in love. The house in question was a small single-story brick house with a large fence surrounding it. A quick tour revealed that it had a master bedroom, a guest bedroom, and of course the expected amenities like a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. The front yard had a couple of dirt patches, and Robin could tell by the look in Juniper's eyes that she was already thinking about what to plant in them. The backyard likewise was suitable for planting things in, and there was a large tool shed that had been emptied by the people that had previously lived there. Robin's own artistic urges itched to do something about the drab exterior of the tool shed, as well as the house itself.

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