To err is human

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A/N: No one is perfect. For example, this chapter literally took a month to write and publish. So let's explore the nature of our error-prone selves. Its time for femslash!

Chapter 19: To err is human

December 22, 2030

Gallery Nucleus

4:00 p.m.

The gallery was now host to the group of mutual friends that were such a large part of their lives: Athena Cykes, Apollo Justice, Ema Skye, Hugh O' Conner, and Myriam Scuttlebutt. Juniper had coordinated with all of them to arrange this exhibit, from having Ema and Myriam track down Courte's art pieces and ensuring their veracity to begging the manager of the place along with Athena, Apollo, and Hugh to first snag the private exhibit, then bumping it up to an earlier time.

"Hello, everyone," Juniper greeted. "Thank you all for working with me to give this gift to Robin. Since you're all here, please enjoy yourselves."

"Don't mention it," Apollo said casually. "There wasn't any case to work on at the agency anyways."

"It was nothing, Junie! Courte's art is really fascinating to look at," Athena added, glancing around. "so I think we'll stay for a while."

"GGGGGUUUUUYYYYYYSSS!" Robin cried out, on the verge of tears. "THANK YOU ALL!"

After calming herself down, Robin went around, personally thanking each and everyone there. When she reached Hugh, she said, "Oh hey there, Hugh! I'm surprised to see you here. Didn't you have something to do today?"

"As a matter of fact, I was supposed to meet with you," Hugh said. "But it didn't seem like you were going to show up."

"Aaaahhh! That's right, I was supposed to meet with you after work," Robin exclaimed. "But since I got the day off, I guess that slipped my mind. Eh heh heh, sorry."

"There's no problem with that," Hugh responded. "Since I got to be a part of this effort as a result. We can catch up later."

The conversation sparked a particular memory deep inside Juniper. How many people go through the same exact thing as Robin just now, on a daily basis? Juniper knew for a fact that it was something that could happen all too easily....

April 19th, 2029

Newman-Woods residence, kitchen

7:32 a.m.

The sound and smell of cooking eggs filled the air, as Juniper went about making that morning's breakfast, with a small fruit salad already prepared along with fresh apple juice made from apples from her garden. The two women took turns doing various household tasks, so the fact that Juniper was making the meals today meant that Robin would be in charge of cleaning and other upkeep on the house, and vice versa.

After Juniper finished cooking, she went to go fetch Robin at her small art studio, i.e. the shed in the backyard. She had started working on a new project a few days ago, and if Juniper wasn't mistaken Robin was going to finish it today.

Entering the art studio, Juniper found her girlfriend putting some finishing touches on the art: A small but intricately detailed reproduction of the local courthouse made of clay, complete with miniature versions of various people they knew, such as Thena and Prosecutor Gavin.

Oh! This is really cute, Juniper thought to herself, not wanting to interrupt the artist at work.

Robin frowned as she gave her art piece a once over. As usual, it seemed like she wasn't very happy with the end result. She bent down and picked up a hammer.

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