Chapter 1

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It's the end of the day and the rain is starting to fall. In this city by the sea, the orange rooftops are beginning to be soaked and gradually change to a deeper colour. The Poveiros, the inhabitants of Póvoa de Varzim, are preparing themselves for a long stormy night. The stores are closing and the students are returning home from school. The sea is calm for now but the institute of meteorology said that the waves were going to get bigger. That's nothing new for the Poveiros that are people of the sea and in spite of the strong wind you can still find someone jogging by the beach. From there the joggers can see the base that's about five kilometres from the shore. That base is one of three that Portugal has and this one is far smaller than the other two but still big enough to receive several landings at the same time. Today there's a great need to prepare for the worst. The Atlantic sea is mischievous. The spacecrafts are all inside the huge hangar and the pilots are either taking the metro or driving back to the city. The metro goes under the sea so there isn't much to see and the passengers read or listen to music while they wait to arrive at Póvoa.

In the metro, a young girl in her late twenties listens to the Blade Runner soundtrack by Vangelis to relax her mind after a long journey from Mars. She takes a look at her watch, it's nearly eight o'clock.

"I should have brought my car." She thinks to herself, knowing fully well that her car was needed elsewhere while she was gone.

The metro finally arrives at the city and the passengers exit the station. She has someone waiting for her. Her dark skinned cousin Fernando waits for her in the rain holding a humongous umbrella.

"Hey, Branca. How was Mars?" he asks her.

"Better than the moon."

"The car is over there." Taking her duffel bag from her hand he points to a small street in front of the station. They walk to the car in silence, the rain making as much noise as their footsteps. The car is something to see. An older version of a Maximus but it looked brand new.

"The keys?"

"Oh, here." Fernando takes the car keys from his pocket and hands it over to Branca that unlocks the doors.

"Thanks for taking care of my mother for me. Was she bothersome?"

"Nope. She's alright."

"Did you quit?"

"Quit what?"

"The drugs."

"Nope. It's too hard I can't do it."

Branca nodded. She hoped for a different answer but in all honesty she never thought that he could do it. Not by himself anyway.

"Did you talk to a doctor?"

"I don't trust doctors they all want to send me to some institution where I'll be far away from my son. Who's going to take care of things while I'm gone. What if I return and don't have a home to live anymore?"

"Yeah, you're right. Your son first."


"Home right?" she asks her cousin.

"Yeah, I need to make dinner."


She drove away from the station and took the route by the sea. The darkness has fallen and there isn't anybody on the streets.

"So, what did you do this time?" asked Fernando.

"Huh?" says Branca absent minded.

"I said what did you do this time?"

"Nothing much. There was the usual talk about joining the Alliance but these politicians are too scared of losing their seats. If it was up to me we'd be part of the Alliance long time ago."

"They have slavery in the Alliance."

"They also have advanced technology that we need for Earth and Mars."

"Why not the Moon too?"

"Because the Moon has no water. You can't create something like water. At least I don't think that there's a way to do it. But I've been surprised before."

"Did they show any of their technology again?"

"They showed us their spacecrafts. A bit too complicated for me, some were just flying saucers though."


They drove by a statue dedicated to the fishermen of the city and went upwards through the Avenue Vasco da Gama to the main road.

"Listen, can I have Shinobi-san to help me around the house. My place is a mess."

"Sure. Tomorrow?"

"Yeah that'll be great."

Branca stopped at a corner next to a restaurant.

"Do you want to come over for a bit?"

"No. I just want to rest my head. I'm tired."

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Branca nodded in consent. She saw Fernando opening his front gate and then drove away. It's been two months since she's last been home. She's eager to see her bedroom. She parked the car and took the duffel bag from the back seat. She then ran towards the apartment and opened the front door. The bag is heavy but she takes the elevator to the first floor. She then opens the door of her mother's house and enters.

"Mom? I'm home."

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