Chapter 7

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Branca enters the hall and joins the banquet. The tables are positioned in square like around the king. Tonight he's dressed in red garments with a cape in darker shades of red. His blond hair is loose and falls on his shoulders. She and the Portuguese team sit far from the king on the opposite side to him. She can see men and women in obvious bright blue military uniforms. Once Branca sits down the king shifts his attention to her.

"Finally, the Portuguese ambassadorial team arrives. I feared that you would not come." Says the king, the conversation in the hall quiets down.

"I'm ashamed to say that it is my fault, your highness." Says Roberto.

"Your fault? Well it must have been important." Mocks the king, smirking.

"It was, your highness." Says Roberto in all seriousness.

"Well, then you are forgiven."

Branca looks from Roberto to the king and finds that the king has his eyes fixed on her.

"Tell me, Colonel Branca, have you ever been to war?"

"I have, your highness."

"You have? Was it the same war against those rebels that terrorize your world?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Were you a mere soldier back then?"

"I was, but slowly I got promoted. I was at the war for three years and five months, your highness."

"That isn't long. You must've been a special soldier to be promoted to such a high rank."

Branca smiles embarrassed because of the attention given to her, she never knows how to behave when all attention falls on her.

"Well, I must've done something better than the others, your highness."

"Were you given a rank to lead troops?"

"Yes, I was."

"Did you lead your men to victory?"

"There is no victory in this war. It's a war that doesn't end. We were successful in all our missions. That's how we measure our success, your highness."

"I understand you perfectly. We too are engaged in an unwanted war against an enemy that we cannot defeat."

"I'm beginning to understand your war, your majesty. There will never be a final battle, will there?"

The king smiles sitting in his large chair.

"Indeed there won't be one, just a long succession of battles. I fear that even after I die the war will continue as it continued after my father's death and grandfather's death."

"A war with no ending is the toughest war to fight. My soldiers and I felt that it didn't matter if we were successful in our missions, the enemy would keep on doing what he always did: terrorizing the people that he wants to conquer. It'll never end, your majesty."

"With such a tough war to battle how did you keep your soldiers moral high?"

"I reminded them that it was our duty to help in whatever we could, and the best that we could do was to finish our missions, your majesty."

"I too have to remind my soldiers of their duty. Perhaps we could talk more about it after the banquet, what do you say Colonel Branca?"

Taken aback, Branca had no choice but to accept the king's offer.

"If you desire, your highness."

"I do desire it."

"Very well." She says.

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