Chapter 2

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Here we go! Chapter two!

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xoxo ~ Andrea

One Month Later....

Chapter 2

*Click* *Click*

"Hmmm..." I mumble, scanning through my Facebook newsfeed.

I'm having a lazy day, for the time being anyway.

The last few weeks I've been working at 'Espresso' one of the few cafe's in Brest, to earn some money to put towards my college fund. I've heard nothing back from the entry form I sent out last month, so I'm guessing they've found the sixteen contestants they're looking for.

I'm just expecting the worst really.

During my spare time, I've been painting. The painting of my dress is now hanging in the lounge and I am working on a collection of jewellery, to work on my techniques with illustrating metallics and reflective shiny surfaces. Then, when I go to art school at the Uni next month for the start of the new year, I can try to get a painting grant, or something, I think it's the only chance I've got left.

Not much is happening on my newsfeed to tell the truth, there are photos of students from my school on holiday in nice sunny destinations, a few tacky selfies, and the usual depressing status updates people in this town are so good at writing.

I guess it's not their fault that the constant covering of fog in this place sucks the happiness out of everyone who lives under it.

Case and point.

I look out my large window, placed right next to my desk, giving me the best view of the harbour.

There's a rough breeze today, and if I squint a little I can see the faint outlines of the stones and sand along the bay twisting and dancing in the strong breeze, ready to cut any passer by to pieces. The waves are choppy and I can see the white tops of them as they crash against the shore, warning sailors to stay away. As per usual, the sky is dull, a smoky grey colour, with no sign of the sun peeking through it, it gives many residents the feeling of claustrophobia.

I sigh, turning back to my laptop and shutting the lid, getting out of my chair as I check my phone.

It's time to go to work.

After grabbing my brush and tugging it through my pale locks, I rummage around the top of my dresser, successfully finding a few bobby pins. I quickly coil my long hair up into some sort of a bun and shove the bobby pins in, wincing a little as they tug at my hair. Then I turn to inspect my reflection in the mirror, my hair looks passable, I can get away with this for the day.

I snatch my work uniform off of the top of my bed, quickly taking off my oversized sweater and shorts, instead pulling on the little black dress I am expected to wear at work, with an apron over the top. If you ask me, it's the worst uniform ever. I don't mind dresses, but in this town, you never get a chance to wear them, without freezing to death, even with a coat on, as the cold winds in this town are very good at attacking your legs.

Luckily, I can borrow my mothers car today, as she walked to work, I think she said something about the fresh air being good for her as she left this morning.

I'm sure it would be, if the wind and rain weren't also factors in her morning stroll.

"Lets get going then..." I mutter, grabbing my satchel from its hanging place on a hook on my bedroom door, before leaving my room and dashing down the stairs into the empty lounge, pausing by the front door to pull on my black converse for work.

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