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The bus stopped and Flutter Shy ended up sitting toward the front, alone. After her confession rainbow dash went to her jock friends who were furious the coach cut her. Flutters heard fox calls as her friend walked toward the back. She got jealous and angry at the whistles.

"No! Bad flutter shy! She just gave you a description not a name! Plenty of kids are nice shy and would be cute in cat ears!" She thought to her self.

But she couldn't help feel a little bit of hope. When the arrived at school, the new druggies, lead by the terrifying duskmoon who drove a black and red challenger and wore leather jackets and black skinny jeans went to the corner of the school teachers rarely traveled.

Sunset shimmer stuck her tongue out playfully at her, she gasped and attacked her girlfriend with kisses, not caring who was watching. Flutter shy imagined rainbow dash and her self in their spot for a moment and shook her head, finding her locker. She looked at the schedule she received upon entering the school.

Maybe she'd have classes with some of her friends, preferably not pinkie... As much as she liked her hyperactive friend, she want sure she's be able to cope with her for a whole year.

"I'm liking the ears!" She heard behind her, turning she discovers the voice belonged to duskmoon, holding hands with her girlfriend who smiled warmly.

"T...thank you." She replied as best she could.

"Dusky! You scaring the freshie!" Joked shimmer.

"Am not..." She grumbled, looking cute and trying to be upset with her girl.

"Try to ignore her, she's really nice when you get to know her, her names duskmoon and I'm sunset shimmer, what's yours?" She asked.

*emits odd squeak*

"FLUTTERSHY!" She turned, seeing rainbow dash walk up, she hid behind her. 

"Where they picking on you?" Rainbow dashed asked, her voice dangerous.

Flutter shy shook her head.

She turned back to the seniors. "Hello." She said curtly.

"Is she yours?" Asked duskmoon, and amused look In her eyes, she was cuffed in the back of the head by shimmer.

"No." Rainbow stammered out, blushing as red as duskmoons fringes.

she studied the pair, duskmoon was smaller than she was and shimmer was just a little bit taller, but still slim.

"Oh? Ask her before she's taken." Said duskmoon.

"That's it your losing your tongue!" Shimmer said angrily.

"how?" Dusk teased.

"I'm going to bite it off!" Duskmoon squeaked and ran away, shimmer in hot pursuit.

Flutter shy let out a long held breath.

"Are you ok?" Rainbow dash asked, she never got an answer as the bell rang.

Flutter shy headed to global history.

"Hello." He smiled at them. "I'll take roll call, and when I call you name if you'd rather be called some thing else tell me, and what is your least favorite part about people. Yes! Red hair!" He said

"What do you mean?" Flutter shy heard her ask.

"What do you not like about how people act, or how they talk." He clarified.

Flutter shy looked up, he was wearing tan dress pants, a white dress shirt, he was strikingly handsome and had a mug of some warm morning drink in his hand. His glasses glinted when he turned to his desk, taking the breath out of the girl next to flutter shy.

He went through all the names until he came to flutters.

"Mizz flutter shy." He called

"here... " She said weakly.

Her turned his office chair to look at her. "Your answer?" He questioned.

"No one accepts you for who you are." Her voice rang clear as a bell. "People dawn personas making acceptance of the true person almost impossible." She realized everyone was staring at her and she cowered back into her seat.

"Mmmmm... Those are reasons people separate! Why we fight! That's the reason civilizations rarely agree! We all believe different things and believe our reason is better than our neighbors and we fight and kill! But ideas bring people together. It's a irony that will never leave us." He finished. Every one in the class suddenly understood.

He placed his coffee on a the table, taking a piece of chalk he drew out to camps labeling one blue and one red.

"People are afraid of differences, so they attack it, many people think why not just accept? Ask them what they would do if some one killed their mother or another family member do to a mental problem, it's much the same thing." He said. 

Flutter shy was shocked at how he explained it, no bias, no detail to one more than the other, he was completely neutral. 

"I don't give homework often, and your going to hate me, but I want a paragraph on differences I'm your community you don't like or scare you. Do NOT! Give names respect privacy! I would like it by tomorrow, if you choose you may work with a friend at home, don't waste time in class. You have... Actually pack up and do what ever the hell you please." He said placing the chalk down, taking his drink and heading back to his desk.

Kids talked and conversed about him. Saying he was odd and needed help. Flutter shy liked him, if nothing else she would be excited for global if only to hear this young teacher make sense out of people. The bell rang a moment later and she got up to head to her next class.

Nothing as fun or exciting as global, every one else was your average teacher.

As she headed out to the busses, she heard a welcome voice behind her, turning she found rainbow dash.

"Do you want to work on the project together? Maybe we could go for some ice cream later or some ting..." She trailed off an rubbed the back of her neck.

"I would enjoy that very much." Flutter shy responded

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