Ice cream and books

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Flutter shy followed her friend until they reached the shop, she got sherbet and rainbow dash decided on panda paws and they were sitting out side.

Legs crossed, cone in hand she stuck out her creamy white tongue out at flutter shy.

"Was that and innuendo you expect me to pick up on?" She asked in her quite voice.

"Rainbow dash lurched forward, looking as if she was kicked in the back, putting her head in her free hand giggling madly. A shake of her head was all she could manage.

Flutter shy, who had already finished took her bowl and put the rainbow haired girls cone into it as she had tears streaming down her face.

"Oh my god flutters." She blurted out as best she could.

Flutter shy calmly sat back down and crossed her legs. She looked around waiting for her friend to recover.

The town was your average older town, shops full of just about every thing lined the streets and had a better inventory than any mall flutter shy could think of.

She noticed the sun getting ready to sink  by the time when rainbow dash took in some deep breaths and calmed down.

"You are hilarious when we're alone I forgot." She said, red faced and make up smudged.

"Go wash that off I'll wait for you." Flutter shy suggested shyly.

"But... Fine." She said.

~*~(lol thanks sevta)

Paragraph time! Rainbow dash yelled as she jumped spun and landed on her  on top of her bed.

"Acceptance?" Flutter shy asked. "If you don't mind I mean..."

"that'd work!" She shouted. "Do you want to use the bus incident?" She asked a little more serious.

"I don't mind..." Flutter shy rubbed her arm and looked away.

"It's up to you." Said rainbow dash.

"I don't think we should wright all those bad words..." Said flutter shy.

"We don't have to, just say 'humans have trouble accepting differences. this can be seen in the populations reaction toward same sex marriage.' Three out of ten done!" She smiled up at flutter shy, who smiled back.

"Ok." She said simply.

The paragraph went on, it took a long time because the needed examples from the community and not very many people were same sex lovers.

"Um... Spitfire and fleet foot?" Asked rainbow dash unsure.

"No they are just good friends." Said flutter shy. "Oh wait what about dusky and shimmer." She said.

"We've been here a half hour how did we forget!" Rainbow dash hit her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"No names remember! But that is what shows that with effort it can be accepted in isolated points."

When they finished the paragraph they looked at some other things teachers sent home for students to look over.

English they had to write a five paragraph essay on them selves. Neither girl wanted to leave so they decided to finish it early.

"Why did we get so much work on the first day! Teachers are evil!" She said with mock agony.

"It's not really that much, we will be fine." Flutter shy reassured her.

"Rainbow dash! Is you girlfriend staying for supper!?" Her mom called.

The girls looked dumbly at each other. "No mom she's not... We... Uggghhh!"

She got up form her bed and stopped down stairs to confront her mother.
Flutter shy started giggling and followed the other girl.

"I was just assuming jeez! I didn't raise you to be so moody did I? Are you--" "

"shut up!" She was cut off by her daughter who was as red as her mothers eyes.

"DONT BE A BITCH!" We all heard from the living room. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! GOD I CANT GET ANY PEACE AND QUITE!"

Her mother pointed a finger up stairs and mouthed "go"

She half ran up the steps, grabbing flutter shy as she did so. She stopped at the second landing. And put her hands on flutter shy'a shoulders.

"I'm going to check on my sister go up to my to my room and wait for me ok?" She said, her eyes pleading.

"Ok, if you want me to." Said flutter shy.

Rainbow dash's eyes said no but she nodded her head as flutters turned to head up to the top of the stair well.

She packed up her books except the ones she was using and got a text from her father.

'Take a picture of your surroundings and send them to me now."

She got up and took a picture of the room she was in, hoping he wouldn't recognize.

"Does she love you as much?"

She hadn't noticed that rainbow dash had entered the room until she took flutter shy's phone and sent a message before the other girl could stand.

Flutter shy looked hurt at her friend. Rainbow dash ignored it and wrapped her hands around the shorter girls waist, her mouth went dry and her heart beat incredibly fast.

"Flutter shy, I love you." Was all she said.

Flutter shy's tears seared her eyes and blurred her vision.

"I love you too rainbow dash." She choked out.

Flutter shy felt her love cup her face in her hands and kiss her, softly and with love. Electricity sparked the room, turning the air thin and hard to breath.

Flutter shy broke the kiss. "We have work to do." She said.

Rainbow dash rolled her eyes and huffed. She sat Down and dragged flutter shy into her lap onto her bed.

"I think we earned a study break, don't you?" She asked reaching around, kissing flutters again.

Flutter shy felt her heart beat, a pain at every pump, but a good pain.

"If you insist." She said.


Yay they kissed how sweet ^~^ my friend helped me with these chapters so that's why they were so laid back, the next chapter is mine and it'll be a little more than sweet kisses. So if that upsets you I wouldn't recommend reading it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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