True loves kiss

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"Siena, your scaring me," the breeze seemed to pick up still I stared at him.  The fence between our two yards seemed to shorten. The pull I felt toward him made me feel like I was falling off my feet. My blazing red hair flying in the wind, my old uniform that had been handed down rustling in the wind.

"Is that such a bad thing," the boy of my dreams, Mark, his dark brown eyes deep with thought. Or was this sadness. His perfectly shaped face, half shaded by his chocolate coloured hair. Leaning forward, I stopped, what would my parents say if they saw us here and then a cool breeze pushed slight snow flakes onto my hair. I tried lifting my hand to swat them away Mark lifted his to stop me.

"They look good in your hair." Overfilled with joy I reached out to him but before I could stop myself I fell and Mark caught me. We enclosed around each other and were lost to the world, together.

Time seemed to stop as we pressed together.

"Siena! What are you doing!?" oh no, my father had built this fence when he realised that his biggest and oldest rival lived next door. He hated the Soft-moors but I had learnt to love their son as he had learned to love me.

"Dad, its not what you think," how could I explain to him that their family wasn’t all bad and they disserved a second chance.

"Mark, get away from that snake," great, my dad was going to kill him. Mark would be moved and I would never see him again. Both dads came at us and pulled us away.

"NO!" at the same time we lost each other, but the look in both of our eyes showed we would find each other.

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