The breakout

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Sitting on the cool  glass surface of my cell, my crumpled up wings desperate for the wind to rustle them.

"I think we should clip her wings, if those wings get any bigger, that glass will break." The voices of my captures where getting louder and the sound of footstep on the concrete floor seemed defying. Slowly lifting my head I spotted two disgusting looking men in black suits standing there looking at me as if I was some price to be won.

"How's our precious money catcher?" Lowing my head, my blue hair cut shot for their benefits, my wings had a sharp pain shot through them. Looking up, the glass was beginning to crack, giving it a single push the glass shattered.

"AARRRRGGGGHHH!" the men tried to shield themselves but by doing so they missed something amazing, the transformation that had been kept in bay for ten years.  

After ten years of being trapped, I could finally become my real self. My wings began to change from blue to a mix of purple and pink. Finally I could feel the glorious wind push my wings upwards. With wings now as long as about one football field across it felt amazing.

"Who do you work for?" I knew that these two men couldn’t keep me here and come up with this plan all by themselves and I wanted to take down the big boss.

"M.. Mr Merlin, Malkim Merlin," of cause, I had seen his name all over the posters. Flying out into the open I promised myself that no one else would feel the torment that I had lived with for so long. So my new purpose was formed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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