White Christmas

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"I wish upon a star lit light…" the words of my mother's Christmas song rolling off my tongue, strumming on the guitar strings just felt so natural. The garden of Eve white with snow fro the coming storm. My fingers starting to grow numb, I put down my guitar and picked up Tiger, my only friend since that awful night.

"You won't leave me, right?" Jumping off my knees, I felted truly alone but as the snow began to get heavier I heard the sound of nature singing to me. "Hmmmmm," humming alone to the chirps of the birds I could hear a distant voice calling to me. Turning around I couldn't believe my eyes or ears. "Mum," tears rolled down my face as I leaped over the chair and flew myself into my mothers arms, feeling like that little girl that was left behind that cold Christmas Eve.

"Mum, how could you have left me?" ten years ago, when I was merely 10, mum left and took everything with her. It was the dead of the night when she had left but when I had woken up, I was lying on a dark street with a storm coming just like today.

"I had no choice, it was me or you," the sun was beginning to set but still I couldn’t pull myself away from my mothers embrace. Then the largest storm every came and again my mother was lost to the world.

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