Chapter 3

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Casey's POV

I slowly turned the door knob and opened the door to reveal my parents and Brittany crowding around a bed that lays Aaliyah looking lifeless. I glanced at my mom and then at my dad and back at Aaliyah. The only sound coming from the monitor's keeping my sister alive. "I thought you said she was dead." I said as my eyes shot to my mother and causing my dad and Brittany to shoot my mom confused looks. "Casey can I speak to you outside please? My mom my mom said walking towards me trying to give me a hug. As much as I wanted to give her a hug I just couldn't I move to the side and dodged her hug then walked towards my dad. He stood up and opened his arm and of course without a doubt I walked right into then. To my surprise right when I pulled away Solange tapped my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you so much." I realized in that moment that no matter what differences me and Solange had, right now was the time that we needed each other the most the time that we had to come together and be sisters not enemies. I held her tight and started crying. "I missed you too." Was all that I could get out before fully breaking down. I love you Britt."I said as I pulled away and walked outside waiting for my mom to come out and give me the lecture of a lifetime.

" What the hell is wrong with you?! I thought you said she was dead why would you lie to me about something like that. That's not something you lie about that's seri-" I was cut off by a stinging sensation on my face. I then realized that this bitch just slapped me. "Again I say, what the hell is wrong with you."

"Casey Beyoncé Giselle Knowles.How dare you talk to me like that. I am your mother and you will treat and talk to me with respect."

"You should be the last one talking about respect here. And by the way you are not my mother, because if you were you would have been there. For everything but you weren't."

"What do you mean I was the one who took care of you guys. No one else helped me, I did that all alone."

"Oh wow, so you call leaving at 2 in the morning and not coming back until God knows when taking care of us. I didn't know buying packs of cigarettes and liquor was taking care of us. Chris was the one taking care of us, not you. Whenever Dad's checks from the Army came Chris was the one buying groceries, clothes and school supplies making sure that we had everything. You didn't do shit. So how dare you stand here and lie like that. You weren't there. I can't believe I even had the audacity to call you my mother. Because you are not my mother. You are a cold- hearted, evil, self centered, inconsiderate, manipulative ass bitch. And I mad at myself for still caring for you and still loving you. Get a damn life and stop trying to live everybody else's." I turned around and went back inside the room and went over to Aaliyah's bedside. I ran my hand through her hair as a tear slipped down my cheek. I couldn't loose her, I couldn't loose another person this important in my life again. I won't let it happen. Not again. "What happened?" I said as I looked towards Solo, my mom walked in and stood not too far from Solange.

"It's your fault. You did this to her." My mom snorted looking at me with her arms folded.

"Cut the shit already. You know you're a real bitch for saying that right?" Solange snapped shooting her head my our "mom's" direction.

"Solange!" Me and my dad both yelled looking at her. She held her hand up and kept going. No one can stop her when she's going off.

"I can't believe you. You actually think you have the power to sit here and blame this on Bey. Ever since Chris died all you did was treat Casey like a piece of shit." I cringed at the sound of my brothers name, trying not to go back to the worst day of my life. The day I lost my best friend. "It wasn't Bey's fault then and it damn sure isn't her fault now, it's that dumb ass driver. You're always the first person to blame someone but never take the blame yourself. You're a shitty mother and you know it. So don't sit here and try to act like we're the fucked up ones. It's not popping off like that. Because you don't have a squeaky clean record yourself Tina." At this time I had already started crying. I was done with everything right now and I just wanted to go home. I wanted to so badly but I knew I couldn't. It wouldn't be right. It wouldn't feel right. I wiped my tears and kissed Liyah on the forehead and quietly walking out the door towards the elevator pressing the down button waiting for the doors to open. They finally did and i walked in and pressed 1, slowly going down the only noise coming from the ding from the elevator tears streaming down my face. I got off and walked out with my head down the whole way until I bumped into somebody nearly falling. I sniffled looking up quickly then looking back down mumbling standing up with the support of the man I bumped into.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's okay. You good?" he said looking at my face. I nodded my head yes and tried to keep going but being pulled back by the stranger. "Look I just want to be left alone. I'm fine." "Except you're not okay. What's wrong?"

"Why do you care?" I said getting an attitude shifting all of my weight onto my right side.

"Because I do. First let's start over, I'm Trey." He said extending his hand out. I wiped my tears then shook his hand and looked up "Casey." Once i realized who it was i tried my hardest not to freak out. It was TREY FUCKING SONGZ!!!!!

"Lemme walk you to your car."

I sighed and nodded my head leading him towards my car. We stopped and i turned around looking up at him considering I am a little bit shorter than him.  "So I know you're probably not in the mood to talk but how about I take you to lunch? If that's okay with you."

"Sure." i got my phone out and handed it to him while he did the same to me. We both put our numbers in and handed our phones back to each other. "So I'll pick you up in about 2 or 3 hours." I nodded my head and got in my car driving to the mall to get some clothes and shoes. I ended up getting a whole bunch of stuff which was good considering that I might be staying here for a while. I don't know what Trey has up his sleeve, but I can't wait to find out.

Lost Without You (Trey Songz & Beyoncé Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora