Chapter 26

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After receiving the call I've been waiting for, I decided to leave Detroit a day early. I said my goodbyes to my family & Q's new girlfriend. Waiting on my plane, I looked back on everything I've overcame this year. From finding love to losing it. But the best thing out of the deal was gaining a child. KJ is my world & he's gonna know this from jump.

Finally boarding the plane, I sat by the window. I stared out of it as we finally took off. I let the music on my iPod take me out of my misery. I was so torn in my discussion. Finally after 2 hours, I was back in California. I missed it here. Walking in LAX, I seen Michael with a bouquet of roses.

"Jaida! I've missed you."

"Michael please, I'm extremely tired to deal with your foolishness."

"Its not foolishness. I missed you okay?"

"Michael, goodbye."

I walked right past him but he ended up grabbing my arm & squeezing it.

"Jai I hate when you walk away from me."

"Michael stop!"

I looked around to make sure I didn't cause a scene.

"I love you okay? Jaida, I'm in love with you."

"Look, I just need time okay?"

"And time is what you'll get." Michael said smiling.

I chose to end that conversation quick. Throwing my bags in the taxi, I sat back & enjoyed the ride. I was at peace with myself. The busy LA traffic was backed up as always. Meanwhile, I started feeling these weird pains in the bottom of my stomach.

"Whoa. That was unusual."

"What was ma'am?"

"Oh my god, ahhhhhhhhh!"

The cabbie seen me clutching my stomach from the rear view mirror & panicked. He jumped out of the driver's seat to help me in the back.

"Miss are you okay?"

"No! Please help me."

I started freaking out once I seen the puddle of blood on the floor terrified me. I screamed out from the pain I was enduring. I've never seen that much blood before in my life.

"Miss calm down."


I could feel myself go in & out of consciousness. The cabbie tried his best to get me help. I wanted to be out of this misery bad. I needed medical help & fast.


While getting ready for my lamaze class, I got an call. I seen it was Jai so I answered promptly.

"Hey girlie girl, how's Detroit?"

"No no no it's an emergency miss."

I took the phone from my ear to see that it was the same number as Jai's. I was worried.

"Look who is this & where is Jai?"

"I had to rush her to the hospital miss. I just called because you were her in case of emergency number."

"What! Hospital?! Which one?"


"I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone & sent a text to everybody including Q. I was so scared. I basically ran out of the house & to my car. Rushing in all of this LA traffic, I managed to get there in 15 minutes. I ran in the hospital demanding Jaida's room number.

"I need Jaida Hanley's room number please."

"Ma'am she's in OR now. When the doctors are ready, We'll show you to her room."

"OR? Yall doing surgery on her?"

I suddenly felt Dot's hand wrap around my arm, tugging it away from the nurse's area. He pulled me into a hug as I cried on his shoulder. I felt another set of hands on my back. Turning around, I seen it was Sherane.

"Sherane, I know we had our differences but I'm sorry okay?"

"Liyah, we gotta be strong for our girl okay? I forgive you."

We hugged while we cried. This was very devastating. I loved Jai & I wanted her to be fine. What was pissing me off was Keenon not even replying back.


I sat patiently with Dot & Liyah while we waited on Jai's results. I knew she was a fighter so we didn't have nothing to worry about. Little KJ was gonna be fine also. But it also made me think about how I'm not even able to produce children. In all honesty, it made me cry.

"Excuse me yall. I gotta run to the restroom."

I got up & walked to the nearest restroom & bawled my eyes out. It killed me not knowing I could never have a child. Dot deserved the best & that was to have a family. I felt like a failure. I didn't understand why he was even with me.

Exiting the restroom, I ran into Q surprisingly.

"Hi Q."

"Hey Rane."

"Wow, we didn't expect you in so soon."

"Yeah I know. My dad had a connection at the airline."

"Well, everybody is here. Well everybody but Keenon."

"Man what the fuck you mean?"

"He supposedly haven't arrived yet but come to the waiting room with us."

Q followed behind me & we all were together again. Q & Liyah hugged while Dot & I held hands. We all prayed for Jai & her health. I knew Jaida ass probably laughing at us right now. All I could was think about her goofy ass cracking her lame jokes.

Hours later

The nurse came in with the doctor & we instantly woke up. Just by the look on their faces, I knew something was up. We all focused on the doctor, giving him our undivided attention.

"The family of Jaida Hanley?"

We all stood up, held hands & acknowledged the doctor.

"I'm sorry there's no easy way of saying this but..."

After hearing those deadly words, I zoned out. I couldn't believe this was happening.

This Girl [Completed] (2014)Where stories live. Discover now