Chapter 31

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December 31, 2013

After Dottie dismissed me a few days back, I stayed home & cried until I couldn't cry anymore. The fact that he was acting strange towards me riddled me in so many different ways. I didn't understand why he was so disgusted with me. After hearing about him finally landing back in LA, I decided to head down to the set where we were shooting his new video. Standing in the shower, I drowned all my sorrows. I couldn't let him see me cry. I knew it'd break his heart. Stepping out & eventually getting dressed, I drove down to the set. My eyes grew freakishly huge as I approached the man I loved.

"Dottie! Baby I missed you so much." I ran to him caressing his head on my breast.

"Oh hey Sherane. Go head & get dressed for your scene." Dot spoke annoyed.

Once he left me standing there, I began to believe that we were actually having relationship problems. Changing & eventually getting dressed, I walked back out on the set. The director positioned Dot & I & began to play the music. In my mind, all I could think about was what made Dot so upset with me. Finishing up my scene, I once again approached Dot. This time in private.

"Dottie, what's the problem with you? You've been ignoring my calls & Im kinda feeling some type of way."

Kendrick scoffed & laughed at me being serious.

"You feeling some type of way Sherane? HUH?!" Kendrick hollered startling me.

"Yes! Fucking talk to me."

Kendrick then scrolled through his phone until he found what he was looking for.

"Here man."

As I grabbed the phone from his hands, I stood there shocked, disgusted & humiliated.

"Where'd you get this from?"

"Don't fuckin worry about that. That's you & that bitch Amber. Man I trusted ya ass."

"Kendrick, I'm sorry." I sobbed falling to my knees.

"I can't do this again Sherane."

The filled with silence as we intensely stared each other down.

"So what, are we ending things?" I inquired.

"Yeah I guess so. I can't have you around like this. I'm trying to build a brand and you're destroying it."

Standing in front of him while he spoke those deadly words to me hurt. It had felt like I was stabbed a thousand times. I know in the past that I hurt Kendrick, but I thought we moved pasted that. My heart was shattered in a million pieces.

"New year, new you huh?"

Kendrick shrugged it off as usual which crushed me to oblivion. I had to do what was right & what I knew would kill me inside.

"Here, I don't want this. Take it." as I began to slide the ring off my finger.

"I wish you all the luck in the world Sherane. I really do. Take care." Dot spoke, clutching the ring in his hand.
Kendrick walked out leaving me deserted. I couldn't stomach the fact that I lost my best friend. My one and only true love over the shit Amber posted. I was furious to say the least. I had to find that bitch and get to the bottom of this. Maybe I could salvage the rest of my relationship.


Being pregnant damn near killed me. Between the constant cramps, mood swings & the sudden urges to regergitate was the worst feeling in the world but my daughter deserved it all. In a mere 4 months she'll be making her grand entrance in my life forever. Laying down I felt her kick me literally 8 times.

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