Chapter 41

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I decided on getting out of the house today to hit up the studio and to visit a few people. I needed to check on how Q and Liyah were doing with the baby, I had to drop by the studio and hook up G with a verse on his upcoming album and I wanted surprise Sherane with lunch. I pulled into Q and Liyah's place and sat and visited them. Liyah looked worn out and so did Q. It was understandable why; they were new parents and Joy was letting them have it. Liyah took Joy into the room and we sat and talked for awhile. "So what's up my nigga? We haven't talked since Joy was born." Q took a deep breath and shook his head nonstop. "Man, this whole Julia thing got me fucked up. I'm just feeling like it was my fault. Like I provoked her to do it." Q exclaimed while rolling up a blunt. "That's why I been mean and shit to Liyah. She don't deserve it man and she wants to talk about it but I don't want to relive that shit. Dot, It fucked me up badly." I looked at him and I could see the hurt in his eyes. This wasn't the Q that was childish as fuck. This was the one who showed his feelings. "Dot she was pregnant and I went to be with Liyah and she fucking killed herself for it. That shit hurts!" Q stood up and walked to the window and stared out of it. I walked over to him and hugged my nigga while he was in pain. He at least deserved that he still had love in the world. "Dot, I ain't with that gay shit my nigga." Q laughed and I knew his ass was back. We both laughed and sat down as Liyah brought my goddaughter back out. Looking at her asleep and constantly rocking her, made me want a kid even more. It was too bad that we couldn't have one because of the condition Sherane was in. Leaving a hour later, I went to the studio to see G and help him out. I heard the song he wanted me on and it was hot, so it was only right that I bless him with a track. Walking in, I heard the deepest shit I ever heard this nigga speak about. It was if everybody was in their feelings or something today. The engineer told him I was here and made his way out of the room, leaving us to talk. "What's up my nigga?" Keenon dapped me up and I did the same. "Shit just got back from seeing my goddaughter and kicking it with Q. "How's he doing and shit? I heard what happened." "Not so good. How's your girl and shit?" Keenon shook his head and rubbed his neck. "Man we ain't together. Her pregnant ass be crazy and shit but whatever. How's Sherane?" I shrugged it off to mean that I didn't know. We haven't talked as much. We barely seen each other. Its either she's out away on business or I'm in the studio. I didn't feel like talking our situation. Changing the subject, I got him to tell me more about the song he was doing. Keenon laughed and proceeded to tell me more about it. "Oh shit that's just a little diss and shit to all the trifling ass females that was in and out of my life." Off bat, I knew it was about Jai. Shaking my head, I laughed it off and he played me parts of the song. I knew when Jai hear it, shit was gonna hit the fan. The engineer made his way back into the room and I gave him my part of the verse. I made my way out of the booth and dapped him again leaving. Now it was time to see my wife, who I've missed. I went to pick up her favorite lunch; Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. I wanted to surprise her at work so I drove there. Approaching her gym, I walked in and her assistant told me she hasn't been in the office all day which was weird to me. I called her phone 4 times and I got the voicemail every time. Eventually, I gave up and went about my business. I was pissed beyond words and my eyes were like daggers to the road. My phone ended up ringing and I answered it without looking at who it was. "What do you want?" I heard a soft voice over the phone and immediately felt embarrassed. "Well hello to you too Kenny. I know your mother taught you manners." She laughed over the phone. "My bad Lucy, what's going on?" "Nothing. I was just at the dance studio and I finished up early." I pulled over and gave her my undivided attention. "Stay there, I'll come to you." "Okay. I'll be there." I quickly made a u-turn and made my way to the dance studio to meet up with Lucy. Arriving 15 minutes later, I walked into the studio and overheard "Anytime, Anyplace" by Janet Jackson playing. I overlooked her dancing and stood there amazed at her skills. She was always a great dancer but I could see she improved over the years. While she continued to dance, I was getting a call from Sherane. I stared at it and ended up sending her to the voicemail and watched Lucy dance more. I ended up startling her and making my way fully into the room. "Hi Kenny! How long have you been there?" Lucy ran to me hugging me. "Not that long, I enjoyed the show." She laughed and I walked her over to the table to sit down. "So what brings you here today?" I asked curiously. "I always come here. You know this was like a second home to me growing up. You too even though you couldn't dance for shit Kenny." We both laughed and agreed but I had gotten better. "I'm a artist, I don't dance. But I see you still dancing to that same Janet song. Tired ass." Lucy laughed and flipped me the bird. "Well that's my favorite song. You know that but it didn't stop you from sampling it in your song." She laughed but she was right. She soon after got up and cut on "Poetic Justice". I turned around to see her dancing to it. I got up and started mouthing the words to the song, making her laugh. She took care of the chorus as she always did back when we were younger. A range of emotions overcame me. I was in painful misery when I left home but now I was happy. I needed this fun in my life and I was glad Lucy was there to give it to me. By the time we looked up we had spent 3 hours with each other. I stayed after to help her lock up the studio. Walking her to her car, we hugged for awhile and I looked at her with this look of appreciative. "What? Why are you staring at me like that weirdo?" She asked. "Nothing. Thank you for today. I had fun." She smiled and kissed my cheek as she got in her car. "No problem. Thank you for keeping me company Kenny." I closed her door and made sure she pulled off safety. I pulled out my phone and seen Sherane sent me a text. I replied and I was on my way to meet her at home. We needed to talk.

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