Chapter 43

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The sun beamed on my face as I awakened in a bed that I wasn't familiar with. I looked around and found myself in the bed of a stranger and I had no idea of how I got here. The shit I went through yesterday with Sherane was the icing on the cake. I was so furious with her ass but I just knew I didn't make the decision of sleeping with a complete stranger. I got out of the bed and followed the aroma of food until I reached the kitchen. My eyes dawned on the plate of breakfast that was on the table. It was clear that I was losing my fucking mind. I then heard music playing in the next room. Panicking, I ran into the room and seen a silhouette standing in the window. She turned around and I felt some type of relief. "Good morning Kenny. How'd you sleep?" Lucy walked up and hugged me tight. I was confused on why I was here but nonetheless I hugged her back. "I slept fine. At least I think I did. I woke up in your bed. Did we? You know." Lucy smiled and walked away. I followed after her as she hummed her way back into the kitchen. We sat down and ate as I kept staring at her smiling. After we were done eating, she took the plates and washed them. I walked over to her and looked into her eyes as she looked into mine. "What Kenny? You keep staring at me." "You didn't answer my question. Did we?" "Did we what?" She smiled and laughed. I just came out and said it. I was tired of babysitting the question. "Did we fuck?" Her eyes laid upon me and she smirked. She simply answered with "Well how do you feel? Do you think we fucked?". I didn't know how I was feeling. My dick felt the same so she wasn't making it any better. Lucy looked at me and hugged me around my waist. "Kenny, we didn't fuck. But I did help you to the bed and we just laid there and talked. We talked about everything. And I'm sorry she betrayed your trust like that. We fell asleep soon afterwards." I smiled and kissed her cheek as she continued to hug me. "It's cool Lucy. I'll deal with that shit later but we got things to do." She looked surprised as I picked her up. "Kenny! Where are we going?" I didn't answer her but I was trying to show her that she was truly amazing. I carried her to her bedroom and put her on the bed. I hovered over her body as we locked into a kiss. I held her arms over her head as she closed her eyes. I didn't wanna risk our friendship but she was the only one who hadn't betrayed me in a way. She stopped me and looked at me funny. "Kenny, I know you're hurt and I'm sorry for it but this is wrong. You're not a cheater and that's what I love about you." She quickly stopped and covered her mouth. I never knew she felt like that towards me. I helped her up and kissed her regardless of what she was saying. We both pulled away from the kiss and hugged again. I didn't want Lucy to be a rebound, she was worth more than that. "Go talk it over with Sherane, Kenny. Call me later on, we'll hang out." She walked me to the door but before I left she kissed me. "I meant what I said Kenny. I do love you." I smiled and made my way home. I thought about Lucy the whole way home. Our first kiss, everything was perfect. She was perfect period. I thought of us being more than friends when we were younger but I didn't think she felt the same. I pulled into the driveway where I seen Sherane's car parked. I had a feeling I was about to hear a ear load of shit from Sherane but I was ready for the war.


I sat in the dark and reflected on last night's situation. I can't believe I fell for Amber's bullshit. I felt like a piece of scum. I couldn't help but feel bad about it. But what made me even more mad was the fact that Kendrick wasn't even home. I called Top Dawg and they haven't heard from him. Keenon or Q haven't seen him either. I was boiling mad but not at Kendrick, it was because of my infidelity. I sipped on the wine as he walked in through the door. I downed the rest of the wine and rushed to the door. "Where the fuck were you Kendrick? Why didn't you come home last night?" "Man get out of my face." He was being an asshole about his whereabouts and I was tired of asking. I grabbed him and looked at me with such disappointment. I grabbed his face and he removed my hands. I began to hold back tears and began to start shaking. "Who is she?" "Who's who?" "Nigga I know it's another bitch so who is she?" He laughed and walked into the bedroom. I honestly didn't think this shit was funny. "Who is it!" "I should be asking you how's Amber?" My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "Yeah you thought I didn't know about that shit? You sat up and cheated on me for a bitch." "Kendrick, I'm so so-". "Save that shit. You were sorry the first time. You'll always be sorry." I sat on the side of the bed and pleaded to him what had happened but he wasn't hearing shit I had to say. He went into the closet and began to pull out a bag and started throwing his things in it. I dropped to my knees and grabbed ahold of his leg. "Get the fuck off of me!" "Baby I'm sorry! Please don't leave me!" He removed my grip on him and I sat in the middle of the floor and cried while he packed his things. "Kendrick is it somebody else? Please talk to me!" He stopped short of what he was doing and answered me. "Yeah it is. Lucy's back in town and we've been hanging out lately." My whole attitude changed and I was pissed off at his ass. "You've been fucking with Lucifer? You fucked her?" I grabbed his face and he looked away. That was his way of telling me he did. "Oh my God, you did." I shook my head and backed away from him. I knew I hurt him but he had hurt me in the worst way possible. I hated Lucifer ever since high school. She was the most devious bitch and she knew she had Dot wrapped around her finger. He started to walk out of the door and I pleaded him to stay. "Kendrick, please. We have a baby on the way. Don't do this to me please." My voice cracked and my eyes were red and puffy from all of the crying. "I'll always be here for my kid but us, we are done. I can't go through that cheating shit again." He loaded his truck with his bags as I stood in front of the doorway, yelling for him to stop. "Please don't leave! I'm sorry!" He ignored my plead and pulled away from the house. I fell to my knees and cried hysterically. I just lost the love of my life.


Today was the day that Dante and I's parents were going to meet for the first time. I was ready to meet his folks as much as he was to meet mine. I kind of wanted to skip it because of my ex convict mother and ex drug dealer and pimp of a father. I just wanted to leave the past in the past and forgive which I'm slowly but surely doing. I laid around the bed and watched Dante brush his hair in the mirror. I didn't know what he seen in me but I was glad that he chose me to spend the rest of my life with him. I was so smitten around him, he was literally perfect and a total upgrade from the losers I had failed relationships with. I got up and wrapped my arms around his waist as we stared into the mirror. "How are you feeling Mrs. Raymond?" I smiled and kissed him. I could get used to hearing that name. "Jaida Raymond has a nice ring to it babe." Dante smiled and we made our way to his car out front. I looked out the window the whole ride there. I felt Dante's hand on my thigh. I smiled as he rubbed it consistently. I didn't know if I was rushing this or what but I wanted to make Dante happy. It's the least I could do after he put up with my bullshit. About an hour later, we pulled up in this beautifully built house with a white picket fence. It was like everything that I wanted growing up. Dante opened my door and I exited and we walked up to the porch where his mother and father stood there proud. "Welcome home! We've missed you." His parents said with so much love. We walked up and greeted them both with hugs. Dante introduced us and treated me as if I was their own. We made our way into the house, sat and conversed. "So Jaida, your parents are on their way, am I correct?" Mrs. Raymond asked. "Yes ma'am. I sent them the address." "Great! Dinner will be finished soon so we can eat when they get here." I smiled and we began to look at family albums. Dante had to be the cutest little boy in the world. "I hope our son looks like me." Dante spoke. I slightly smiled and excused myself to the quickest bathroom. I covered my mouth as I cried tears of sadness. I couldn't and didn't want to think of children at this time. I wasn't over losing KJ and I don't think I'll ever be over it. I walked out and Dante met me and we walked back into the room. "Baby are you okay?" I nodded and I heard the doorbell ring. Dante went to open it and there I saw my parents. My mother was looking amazingly well despite her battle with cancer and my father was dapper as ever. "Hi mom. Hi dad." "My baby!" My parents both hugged me and I introduced them to Dante and his parents. My mother pulled me aside and we talked about the recent changes in our lives. "So this Dante is something special. Do you love him baby?" My mother asked curiously. "Yeah ma, I love him a lot. Why do you ask?" "No reason." She sipped the bottle of water which meant she was ready to be shady. "Ma, I love him and I can't wait to be his wife." "Jaida, you're almost 22. You're grown as hell but if you're not ready, don't rush this. You haven't even healed from Keenon yet." "Ma, Keenon is old news. I'm not checking for him anymore so I don't want to talk about him." "Fine Jaida, but just know this. You'll never love Dante, unless you are truly over Keenon, which you aren't but you are grown. You have to make mistakes and learn from them baby. She kissed my forehead and walked into the dining room. I looked at her before she left and she was right. Everything was going so fast. In a mere 3 months, I'd be married to this man forever. I was young and I've always planned on traveling and sightseeing around the world before I was married. She got up and I sat there to reflect on our talk. I took what she said and put it in the back of my mind. I was ready to devote my life to this man. No matter what the consequences were. But it was time to officially cut all ties with Keenon, for the sake of my relationship with Dante. We all sat around, talked and ate dinner. Afterwards we all shared stories about how any and everything. "I wish you guys could've met my brother and niece. They're out in California but most definitely at the engagement party, we'll all meet." "So Nicole, how was Jaida growing up?" Mrs. Raymond inquired. I looked at my mother as she stammered with the question. I didn't think she'd remember anything from me growing up, since she was heavily addicted to drugs. "She was amazing. All A student, president of the photography club and was it homecoming or prom queen, baby?" I smiled and replied "Both mommy." I was so astonished that she'd remember everything but not my father. He knew he was absent throughout my life but I loved him regardless because he was making new memories with me now. We talked for another 3 hours and it was time for us to leave. We had to meet with the venue the wedding was taking place at, along with the dress fitting. The long drive home was silent just as the one earlier was. I thought long and hard about what my mother said and how this engagement was going by so fast. I didn't want to disappoint anybody anymore. Reaching our apartment, I began to strip naked and look at myself in the mirror. I have changed in so many ways but I still saw that damaged part of me. I closed my eyes and stood still while I felt Dante wrap his arms around my naked body. Not once did he feel me up and I loved that about him. He cared about me and not just my body. He soon picked me up and laid me down all while I stared into his eyes. "I love you." He smirked and kissed my lips and I replied "I love you too." That night I shared part of myself with Dante. It wasn't just sex that we had. I had just made love to my future husband.

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