The 'N' Word

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Yo, I could already tell some people will really hate me for this chapter but I don't really care.

If you are not a black person. You have no business saying nigga. I do not care if it's what the rappers say. I don't care if your ignorant friends don't mind. Maybe some of them are too nervous to say anything because they don't want to potentially wreck your friendship for calling you out on your bullshit. It's not okay for you to say it if you aren't black. This is something I shouldn't have to tell you to stop saying...

Nicki is BLACK

Rihanna is BLACK

Drake is BLACK

J. Cole is BLACK

Fetty Wap is BLACK

You seeing this pattern??

Sooo many of us bite our tongue and give you a free pass when in actuality we know what you're doing is wrong. Bitch, my ancestors were oppressed with the word "nigger" and had to suffer for years getting attacked by that word. They didn't go through all of that shit for you to be saying it, don't be an ignorant asshole. I'm not going to sit here and act like the word has no meaning, racism is still alive and there is still complete meaning behind that word. It's still considered a slur for you to say it if you aren't black.

I know there are some black people who don't say it which that's okay, you don't have to. I didn't used to say it either. This was something if I were to say it, I'd feel like I was undermining everything the generations of black people who came before me and everything they were put through. I felt as though no one should say it, including people of the same race as me. I know some of you reading this book right now feel the same way.

Let me explain how I feel about it now though, because as I woke up and grew I began to realize I shouldn't give a fuck if black people say 'nigga'. I learned to come to terms with the fact that 'nigga' applies to us and we shouldn't have a problem with reclaiming it. Kind of like how other marginalized groups can reclaim slurs and offensive terms for them to use amongst themselves. Yeah...kind of like that.

In puIpfiction 's rant book (which you should read) she had said Tupac was credited for legitimizing NIGGA which stood for "Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished" , I don't think reclaiming this term is necessarily a bad thing. This just proves calling each other 'nigga' isn't about tarnishing any legacy of the generations that came before us. We can reclaim in rebellion of the oppression placed upon us, to contradict a slur.

^But please check that key word: each other, meaning ourselves, meaning black people. If you are white or a non-black POC, you have no business saying nigga because you aren't a nigga/nigger/negro... sorry about it.

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