Sexy Guys and why they are Sexy.

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A/N Hehehe so I have been pondering this for awhile now! A place where I can rant about guys I think are hot sexy and just melt me! They can be Celebs or characters! And I may do one on an actor and the Character they play!

    Anyhoo! There are some rules I have when judging how hot a guy is.... and sometimes these rules just fly out the window... but most of the time these guys adhere to the rules pretty well! (Unless they are British...) So below are my rules! Hope you guys like them!

Okay Rule number one is.... There is a difference between sexy guys and hot guys in my opinion. Then there are sexy hot guys and well those are the guys who make you die right there on first sight. *cough Chris Hemsworth *cough *cough.

Rule number two: Everyone has differing opinions on who is hot and sexy or both or whatever! I have friends who like guys and I cant figure out for the life of me why they do.... Then some of them cant understand why I like some of the guys I like! So in these cases just agree to disagree and move on!

Rule Number three: Like whoever you like and dont worry about what people say! Like it says in Rule 2 everyone has differing opinions, dont change or lie about who you think is sexy to benefit others, if you think Will Ferrel is attractive then so be it!

Now we move on to scales.... guys do this to us all the time ladies! So dont be afraid to rate guys and their asses or chests! They do it to us!

10: Is the number you give to a guy who is too gorgeous for words, he is pure sex plain and simple....

9: The rating you give a guy when he is very attractive, still way out of your league but you can manage to stay conscience while looking at him, just please wipe the drool off your mouth!

8: These guys are hot! Still out of most of our leagues, but if you ever met them, you could probably stay awake... I am not saying you will be able to speak like a human being but you know....

7: Still hot! But manageable... this guy is in most of our leagues, if we try to be in his league.

6: Attractive, but leaving the hottness category. We are almost all in his league (unless you are just well ugly) and he is totally attainable!

5. Attractive but only just so.

4: Borderline unnattractive, but won't break a mirror.

3: We move into unnatractive now, not ugly but not the kind of guy you want to date.

2: ugly, you can still look at them, but its a flat out no.

1: U-G-L-Y! I hate to be so blunt but its the truth!

    Okay! Those are my little rules and ratings and well you know! Now obviously personality plays a big part in attractiveness! And I will show that later on! First guy should be up soon! I just have to type it up!


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