Guy 21: Derek Hough

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A/N I know I havent updated in awhile guys! But here is a new article! Hope you enjoy!


     So Dancing With the Stars premiered last week and even though all of you may not watch the show I do. And many of the dancers on there are hotter than, well than anything I can think of! But out of all of them Derek Hough has to be my favorite.

    And its not the surfer boy look with the slciked back neatly styled blonde hair or the blue eyes, granted that does always help. But Derek is hilarious and is always ready to clown around and that is one of the reasons why I love him.

    Not many guys that are as hot as him are willing to embarras themselves on live tv, but some of the things he does most guys would never even attempt to do. Just last night I was watching him and he was doing an interpretation of getting knocked out by flying boobs. Yea maybe you all shouldnt ask...... long story you probably have to watch it or something to really get it.

    He is also extremely succesful, he is an accopmplished dancer and musician, he sings, acts, and has done Broadway, which is not easy ladies. He is the only four time DWTS champion and he just won an Emmy the other night for his choreography skills.

     Jennifer Gray his partner a few years back on DWTS even said that he should star in the new Dirty Dancing remake, and I must say I am only going to see it if its Derek who is cast! Or possibly Zac Efron but thats a totally different guy!

     So I think you all get that I have a major thing for Derek, and yea it really is a major thing. He is awesome and I love him!!!!! If I am ever famous I am going to go on DWTS and Totally make sure he is my partner, but I have some favorite backups just in case!

    The 28 year old Dancer, singer, and actor is currently single, has been for awhile from what I can tell. Its really a shame he is so funny and good looking what girl wouldnt want to date him?! I would date him, in a heartbeat. No questions asked!

    Picture of him to the side, Derek is rated an 8.5 on my scale and a 9 for sexiness in my mind he is about a 10 but every guy I have a crush on is a 10 in my mind!

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