Guy 8: Neil Patrick Harris.

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     Hi guys! So yea I know he is gay...... (I cried mind you when I found out about that!) But I have always had a bit of a thing for NPH. I mean come on! He is adorable! And I know you probably all think I am nuts or something right?

    But he is sooooo funny! And adorable and come on! If everyone is allowed to like John Barrowman (for those of you who don't know he's gay too) Then I can have a crush on NPH! And who didn't love him in Beastly alongside his sexy costar Alex Pettyfer (Sophie no spamming me with comments about AP not being HOT!!!!! I've got my eyes on you sister!)

     NPH is by standards just adorbs, he doesn't make you drool when you see him, you don't melt, but you just can't help but fall in love with his funniness! And WELL EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM! Besides the fact that he isn't into girls..... that is a definite turn off, mainly since well.... I'M A GIRL!

    Sorry, the whole finding out he was gay thing really crushed me.... if you haven't noticed! The 39 year old actor still never ceases to impress me with his still boyish face and three dimensional characters.

      So in case you haven't figured this out NPH is not available and its not just because he is gay ladies! He has been with David Burtka since 2004 and they have two children.

    On the Jo Archer scale he is a solid 7.5 and he is sexy..... in his own adorable boyish way. Hhehehehe and I can't say the pic to the side is going to make you drool.... but it made me giggle so that is why it's up there! I wonder who he killed??? JUST KIDDING!

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