Guy 19: Nicholas Hoult

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A/N I got bored guys, and couldnt bring myself to work on an actual story since its late but here we go!




    I tried guys I really did! I told myself no more celeb crushes! But yea I failed. Nick Hoult, I cant believe I didnt notice him way back when he was in X-Men First Class. I guess he just didnt stand out to me. But yea I was watching Warm Bodies for the first time the other night and I just kinda fell in love with him. Now I just finished watching Jack the Giant Slayer and he was in that too, yea if you want to maintain some level of sanity, dont watch that movie cause he is flipping sexy in it.

    He is and has the potential to be a brilliant actor, in Warm Bodies R kind of reminded me of Edward played by Johnny Depp in Edward Scissor Hands. He was just a little bizarre, with a bunch of cute and wild eyed thrown in. I love that one face he makes in all of his movies, that one that just sortof says "Eh it was nothing, dont embarrass me, look I'm turning red!" Yea that look.

   Yep I officially have it bad for this 23 year old actor. Does that suprise you guys, that I can like a guy so close to my own age?! It kind of suprised me. I mean only six years age difference! Yea, maybe there is some hope that I am not a younger pervert of older men. Okay that made no sense!

    Anyway this adorable British actor, yes I know he's Birtish we are almost forced to fall miserably in love with him and fangirl and want to have his babies, well that is if you are American, I dont want to have his babies, I'm not that far gone yet, although I am perverted for going on about this.

    CHANGE OF TOPIC! The 23 year old actor just came out of a three year relationship with Jen Lawrence, who I love and adore and admire to death! But anyway, they broke up in early 2013 and he is single from what I can tell, hehehe Le dirty mind at work! STOP IT BRAIN! Okay I think I should end this now, my mind is not on its best behavior tonight.

    Anywhoo! My friend wanted me to give him a hottness scale of 10 I said he is a 9.5 to 9 on the sexy scale and he is an 8.5 on the hottness scale, but he is young I think he has the potential to get even hotter than he already is. Maybe if all works out for him! Anyway hope you guys enjoyed! Pic of this cutie to the side!

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