Sexy Character 1: Zane Donovan.

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A/N Hi guys! So kicking off my sexy characters edition is Zane Donovan from Eureka. He is played by the ultra sexy Niall Matter (Who will most likely be featured in this book eventually!) I had a huge crush on Zane in this show despite the fact that he had a steady girlfriend his whole time on the show! Anyway enjoy guys!


       So Zane Donovan..... probably one of the longest tv crushes I ever had! But lets face it, besides the fact that he could be an arrogant ass at times he was the PERFECT GUY! Good looking, smart, sexy, well built.

    When he first came on Eureka back in like season 2 or 3...? He was a skinny little know it all who was a total computer geek who thought he was sexier than he really was.

    But then.. take a break for a season, Zane Donovan was only supposed to be in one episode! But then the new season comes out and there he is! A permanant character on the show! Yay! I admit I had a tiny bit of a crush on unsexy Donovan, but then... finish out that season and take a break.

    Break of that season done, new season premiere and BAM! Sexy Zane has arrived! He must have worked out A TON! Because this man went from cute little geek to ultra sexy demi god in no time flat! His girlfriend went from being out of his league, to baby you better try and keep up with this boy!

   Dont get me wrong I loved Erica Cerra's character 'Jo' a girl after my own heart! I could totally relate to her! Me and her...kindred spirits! I love love Jo! Almost as much as I love Zane Donovan! But I did get a tad jealous when she started dating him! But who wouldn't? If you have seen the show you will get this!

   Did I also mention he is a computer geek? Ultra smart hacker with an attitude and great sense of style?! Wow... I have a bigger thing for this guy than I thought! He is on my list of fictional characters I am currently dating in my mind!

   Sadly Eureka is over now! Although I am still waiting for its sister show Warehouse 13 to do another crossover with it! In the meantime I guess I will have to live with pictures of Zane to get me though the day! The only downside to him... is that he doesn't have an accent!

   Zane Donovan is an 8.5 on the Jo Archer scale and he is hot and sexy....I know my girlfriends don't agree with me on this... but hey! A crush is a crush! My parents don't get my thing for Matt Smith and Benedict Cumberbatch so.... lets all remember rule number 2!

P.S. Pic of Zane to the side! Also adorable 'Jane' (Jo and Zane) video to the side! It does a great job of showing just how sexy he is!

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