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A woman stood silently on a hill her patience growing thinner and thinner. It had taken her a day and a half to reach here. He obviously didn't understand how to be timely. He never did.

A breeze hit her begging her to turn around, it ruffled her long plantium blonde hair; which laid tucked away in her blue cloak. One of the woman's companions tapped her shoulder. "Mommy when can we leave? I miss father." Her small child asked she smiled but it quickly faded she knew better than to give him false hope.

"Soon my child." She answered "After he comes to take that." Her other companion her daughter swallowed hard. She had caused her mother such stress the past few weeks and didn't intend on making anymore. Her little clear blue eyes traveled across the open fields. It was green all green from what she could see. If she looked left she saw green if she looked right she saw more green. Guess God's favorite color was green. She tentivly touches her brusied forearm.

The man she called father for eight years of her life had done this to her; after finding out what she was. To her defense she had no idea who she was till a few months ago when her mother had sat her down and had told her. I am nothing but a monster.

She was quickly shaken out of her thought process when the earth around her began shaking violently. The little girl lost her footing and fell to the ground with a thud. She looks up at her mother who stood still as stone, she had always envied her mother's braveness.

She then glanced over at her young brother who instead of being grim like her mother was screaming his head off. Oh how she wanted to get up and comfort her brother, but her mother and father hadn't let her near him since... The accident. She quickly wiped her mind of any negative thoughts of her parents. This was for the best, it was to be anyways.

Her mother looked at her daughter and offered her a hand. The girl took it cautiously "Thank you mother." She nodded "Your welcome child." She wipes her hands at her child's side. "Trust me darling your going to lo-" The world began to shake again instead of a earthquake it was a coo of laughter. All three of them turned their heads to see the one the only Satan. The little girl could not believe her eyes.

He was in his man form. He looked just like a man of higher power at this time but the thing that caught the little girls eyes the most was his stunning cloak. It was red with pure gold trim probably the most fine thing she had ever laid eyes on. Satan's blood red eyes skims over them his evil smirk emerging. "Hello my darling Eve, so nice of you to summon me." Eve rolls her eyes "You know exactly why I'm here." Satan began to approach them slowly like a lion about to pounce. "Oh but of course we wouldn't want to degrate your idiot of a husband. Now make this quick I must return to Hell. The demons can't handle being on their own." Eve takes a deep breath and stares deeply into Satan's souless eyes.

He cackles "What is it darling? Afraid of what I truly am?" She shakes her head "No I'm afraid because God may know of the child." Satan reaches out and brushes his fingers across Eve's cheek. She jumps at his touch "Oh! Eve how navie you are. Surely he who knows all is aware of my." He clicks his tounge his eyes scowering her "Our child." Eve pulls back, making a face "Don't remind me. Just please take it I don't want anything to happen to her." The Devil pursed his lips and eyed the child in Eve's arms.

"Her? Our child is a her?" The little girl met his gaze and shuddered "How could I have messed up." Eve placed her hand genetly on the little girl's back and pushed her forward "Yes, its a girl. Please take her Adam is furious he'll kill her if you don't take her."

"Then technically she will be with me permanently. You and your precious Adam wouldn't have to worry about her coming back and obviating you two." Satan crosses his arms "He's kind of acting like a-"
"Don't you dare say that about Adam."
"Well my darling he's overreacting honestly I would never do that to our children." Eve scoffed at him "This one isn't yours that one is." Satan merely smirked and got to his knees. He stares at the little girl "She shows no fear. She is definitely my child." He gestures for her to come to him. The little girl slowly moves toward him. He offers her a smile, exposing his radiant white teeth. "Come here my child." The little girl takes his out stretched hand, his thumb caresses her wrist.

"My, my you have such beautiful blue eyes. Just like your mother." He smiles wider "What is your name?" The little girl opens her mouth to speak but closes it quickly "Maisie that is her name. She can see your true form as can I." Eve interupts "Did I ask for your opinion woman? Your unfaithfulness makes me sick." Satan spits, dragging his eyes off off of his daughter and onto Eve.

Maisie felt her world spinning as small electric pulses shot threw out her tiny body. Her legs became numb as she fell into her fathers arms. He stands "I shall be on my way. I have given you your half of the bargain. Now I want mine." Eve bites her bottom lip "Which is?" Satan studied her even more closely "I want the name of Adam's child."

"Satan please no I beg for your mercy.

"Which I have none of. His name." Satan asked again his temper flaring.


"I WANT HIS NAME!" Satan screamed Eve blinked back her tears "Cain his name is Cain." The Devil reached out and dragged his finger nail across Eve's lower cheek bone. He laughed as blood dripped out. "Thank you my darling I'm sure Maisie and Cain will get along quite nicely."

Satan turned to the vast green and closed his eyes. A hole began to open as he ran to it.
Eve had made the wrong descion, She'd pay for it later he reminded himself. All humans come to me till He decides what to do with them.

Eve had no idea what was in store for her or her precious Adam. He turned back to look at her before he stepped into the hole. Her face had gone pale and her body was still. The little boy she had called Cain was fidgeting in her arms. Stupid child. He shook his head and jumped into the hole where darkness engulfed him.

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