Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a normal day in Hell. The blazing sun was up heating the training arena to a tormenting 106. My shoulder length blonde hair stuck to the back of my neck as I watched the hellions battle it out on the arena's stage. I never understood these arrogant creatures battling it out for the most stupid reasons.

I bounce my foot in annoyance and turn to my half brother "There is better ways to spend time." I say Cain had grown into a young man only the age of 35 when he finally died and officially joined us. Yeah he got to walk with God and crap but he still had to come here afterwards.

Cain played with his dark brown hair and wiped his own sweat off the sides of his face. "Twenty thousand years here and I'm still not used to the heat." Cain said I shrug "You never truly get used to it." I get up from my authoritative chair and stalk over to the edge of the balcony. Since Cain and I were reunited my father thought it'd be useful to make us watch these stupid brawls. I point to the man on the left side of the arena "He is going down." I say out loud my brother quickly joins my side.

"Negative that man will." Cain replied gesturing to the other side of the arena where the man's opponant was entering "See he has muscles."

"You men and your stupid muscles. No he will not win just cause he has muscles." I begin to explain "See here Christan boy, just cause you have muscles doesn't mean your going to win. You must have speed and agility, if you do not then nothing will do you good." Cain holds out his hand "Let's bet on it." I step back "Cain we both know I'm right let's leave it at that and move on with our lives." He shook his head

"No I want to be right demon child." I hiss and reluctantly shake Cain's out stretched hand. We wait eagerly for the battle to begin. The two men in the arena put up a good fight. Muscle man and Scrawny twig started out slow but escalated into a full out blood battle. These battles were merely based off of stupid arguments but this one ,however, wasn't.

"Cain did you read up on this battle?" He shook his head "I watch I don't read." I tap my foot "Well apparently scrawny was supposed to go to heaven." Cain pauses and looks back at me "Really? Their having a blood battle because he didn't go to heaven?" I nod "Yes I asked the guard he said that thin mint was a good man and double stuffed Oreo got him into drugs and gang activity." Cain laughed then suddenly cursed "Looks like you've won."

He said I bend over the railing and smile contently "Looks like I did, I told you sweetie never make bets with me. You'll always loose." Cain rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair. I instantly jump back "I'm not a goose don't ruffle my damn feathers." He laughs then reaches out towards me. I hit him and yell "Stop it."

"Your highness?" Cain and I both jump at the sound of my father's advisors voice "Sebastian. Hi." I say "Hello and good day. Miss Black your father requests your presence at once." I groan my father needing me. What a surprise? "Bye Cain. To be continued." We hug quickly as I jog to Sebastian's side he smiles down at me. "Led the way."

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