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Naruto leapt from tree to tree.

Although he wasn't alone.

He carried another along his back.

The retrieval mission was a success.

He had kept his promise - a promise to bring back the third member of Team Seven.

The pride and joy of the Hidden Leaf Village of the Land of Fire.

He had knocked him unconscious.

Sasuke, the last of the Uchiha Clan, was a little worse for wear.

He had lost his mind- thinking that power could be easily achieved or attained through the likes of Orochimaru, one of the three legendary Sannin, who was interested in only using him for his dojutsu, the Sharingan.

Naruto appeared at the front gates. Passing onlookers as he leapt.

Leaping towards the Kohona Hospital.

There were a lot of casualties from the Sand invasion, which had started during the finals of the Chunnin Exams.

The most prominent casualty was the death of the Third Hokage.

He had been killed by one of his former students, one of the three Sannin, Orochimaru.

He was a despicable shinobi, and one that Naruto would see punished or killed by his own two hands.

Shortly after arriving at the Hospital he had laid Sasuke on a bed.

Making sure the nurses did everything in their power to check over his injuries; ignoring the stares and occasional words of 'monster' or 'freak' as he stood in the hallway.

He didn't have much time to stay with Sasuke.

Needing to report his end of the retrieval.

Naruto glanced at the retrieving form of Sasuke one last time before leaping up into the air - jumping and leaping off of the village's buildings.

Each leap taking him closer to the tower that was built in the center of the village.

Upon arriving Naruto could hear shouting from at least five people in the room. Naruto didn't believe in ease dropping, but when the conversation includes himself his belief didn't matter.

"It's the demon's fault! If only he hadn't used the nine tails's power, our dear Lord Hokage would still be alive. "

"I agree, we have allowed that demon container to walk within our village long enough. We should immediately make an appeal in banishing that demon brat out of the village once and for all. "

Naruto didn't know what to feel. The only thing he could do was listen on.

"There has been news that Uchiha Sasuke has been retrieved successfully - apparently due to his team mate the last Uchiha is recovering in the hospital. " An informant blurted. Making the situation far worse then it had when it had first started.

"Enough!" a stern voice yelled. Labeling this arguing too 'troublesome' to handle, let alone break up. However, he wanted some peace and quiet.

"We need to discuss more important matters then Naruto. Since the death of Lord Third we need to find a replacement. " The Nara explained - moving the conversation into a different direction. Naruto didn't deserve this.

"I nominate myself. " Danzo Shimura stated. Danzo was a creepy man - no one knew a lot about him. Except for his secret organization ROOT. A underground devision that was similar to ANBU.

For the most part - no one on the council liked Danzo - not even the Daiymos. Moreover - Danzo was a powerful ally and enemy. Best to have your friends close but your enemies even closer.

Naruto was still standing like a statue outside of the door. Weren't they going to nominate him? His dream of being Hokage would he ever achieve it at this rate?

What he heard next sent him into a fury. A fury that would drive him out of the village and make him resent the village he had worked so hard to protect.

A puff of smoke appeared in the center of the room. Revealing a white-haired man- wearing a red cloak- with a sealing scroll wrapped around his back.

"Jiriya, surprise to see you here. "

"I heard that the village is looking for a new Hokage and I have someone in mind. You need to give me three days, however. "

Danzo clenched his hands. They were slowly forming into two pairs of fists that he stood up and slammed both fists on the table before him. "What nonsense is this?"

"This nonsense is about the future Hokage I will be retrieving. I am from the legendary Sannin- it is my right to pick who is next in line for the spot of Hokage. "

Jiriya then poofed out of the room. At the same time Naruto was leaping his way out of the village. He had enough. The villagers just thought of him as a monster, he couldn't be anything else. So what was the point in parading himself all over the village and taking on life-risking missions if he wasn't going to get the appreciation or admiration he wanted in the first place?

He left. Wanting to create a new life where he wouldn't be the dead last, but the boy who got the girl. The boy who knew what he wanted. The prodigy that was held in high regard. A leader.

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