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The Raikage could be said to be a harsh man. Yet, a Kage that was well respected by his village and did everything in his power to make sure his village's safety stayed true.

So Naruto wasn't surprised when the Raikage instantly had him in a hold. Maybe, it was something he said? Or, maybe it was what he was wearing.

Orange clashed with dark blue. "What is a leaf shinobi standing in my presence?"

"Ex-leaf. " Naruto said this with a defined voice. The Raikage went still then laughed.

"Why are you here, boy?"

"To see how far I can rise. " was all the boy said. Making the age-Kage laugh once more.

"Alright. I will give you a chance. You better not disappoint, boy!"

"It's Naruto. Not boy. "

"You little piece of -- " Naruto disappeared after that.

And soon the land of lightening would know of him. A born leader ready to protect. 


"Kakashi Sensei, where is Naruto?"

"He's probably just oversleeping like usual. I'll go and check, however. " the copy-cat ninja disappeared and reappeared in Naruto's small apartment.

He didn't see him. It concerned him. However he knew that the council would not care. Yet he cared. He cared for his sensei's son. No matter what others thought he would always be on the knuckle headed ninja's side. He hoped that he would see him soon, and wherever he was wished him safe.

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