Episode 74: Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fie Di Jow

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Episode 74: Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fie Di Jow

            Angela was around water and a wave came crashing down on top of her. She jumped up out of the water wearing light purple leg planted armor that went all the way up her thigh, a flowing blue splitted skirt, a light purple bra armor that also covered her entire right arm and hand, and a blue cloth wrapped around her left arm. A tattoo of her Crystal Heart the Icosahedron appeared on the side of her lower back and screamed out, “Water!”

            Travis was by lightning that came crashing down on top of him. He picked himself up wearing dark yellow boots, black baggy pants, a dark yellow belt that went around his waist, black sleeveless vest with black hood, black leg warmers that covered his arms. A tattoo of his Crystal Heart the Dodecahedron appeared on the back of his neck as he yelled out, “Lightning!” All five to them stood together, amazed at their newly transformed look, ready for action.  

            “Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fie Di Jow!” chanted Na’ash as his hands not only glowed, but pulsate as well. He folded his middle and ring fingers, lifting up his thumb, pointer, and pinky fingers making the “I love you” sign. He held his right hand up, causing a white aura glow around Travis’s body, levitating him up.

            “Wh—whoa!” Na’ash thrust his hand forward, slamming Travis into ceiling of the ship. He then brought his hand down, causing him to fall, hitting the floor hard. “Ah!”

            “Travis!” shouted Trista noticing her body glowing as well. She looked and notice everybody having a white aura. Na’ash spread is hands apart, sending all four them to hit something in different direction, separating them.

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