Chapter 1

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Beca' POV

Awesome! Another concert success! Music producing and being a famous singer go hand in hand with me.

"Beca, that was awesome!" Stacie says, high fiving me.

Stacie, Cynthia, Emily, and Commissar joined me on tour. We're the dream team. It would be better if Chlo was here. I haven't gotten over her.

"We all rocked it!" Emily says, excited.

"Yeah! Thanks for letting me tour with you Feisty Mouse." Commissar jokes like old times.

"No problem guys. We're all awesome!" I say, also getting excited.

"It would be better if your BABE was here." Cynthia says, emphasis on BABE.

"I would argue, but you're right." I say with a sigh. Stacie's eyes widen, but she tries to hide it. "Stace, what is it?" I ask sternly.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing, really." she says, obviously lying.

"Stace, I can tell when you're lying. Come on, what is it?" I ask, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms. She hesitates, but hands me her phone.

"Just know, I tried to not give it to you." Stacie says, backing up with the others.

BREAKING NEWS!: Chloe Beale and Dawn Pondor; TOGETHER!?

    Last night at the England's Celebrity Ball, Beale and Ponder were spotted in the back yard, holding hands and close up with each other, whispering things in each other's ears. Could we expect a #Dloe in the future? And what is #Bechloe to become when Beca reads this? Let's hope good things...
                                -Marco DePallo

"WHAT!?" I almost scream.

"I told you not to read it..." Stacie says quietly. I hand her the phone back and grab my keys.

"Ya know, she's gonna have some nerve coming back." I almost yell, and then walk out of the arena with my jacket.

"Beca wait!" the girls yell. But they can't stop me now. I walk out to my car and drive home, almost crying. I get to a red light and remember that she's coming back in 5 days. The nerve...

Chloe's POV

I can't wait to back to the states! And see Beca! Dawn walks into my hotel room and sits down. "Seen the article?" she asks with a kind of devilish look in her eye.

"What article?" I ask, confused.

"The one with me and you, silly." she says with a laugh, showing me her phone. I read it, and read it, and read it. My heart stops when I get to the whole Beca reading it part.

"Oh shit!" I gasp, looking at her. "Dawn, if Beca reads this, I'm doomed!" I almost yell.

"That means that you and I will be Dloe." she says with a smile.

"No no no! Beca can't read this!" I cry. I push her out of my room and sit down. Her trying to ruin Beca and I's chances together? The nerve...

Forever Or Never? (SEQUAL TO FOREVER AND EVER)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant