Chapter 3

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Beca's POV

All I've done is listen to sad music. My Immortal, Amnesia, Gone Too Soon. But one sad song I refuse to listen to is When You're Gone. I'll never listen to that song again, knowing that Chloe sang that song. And she's coming back too. Great. Note, sarcasm.

"Come on Bec, we have to prove you're stronger than this." Emily says, walking into the living room.

"One more song?" I whine, getting ready to change the song.

"Nope. Come on Bec." She says, grabbing my hands and pulling me up off the couch. I walk into my room and change into a cute outfit to go out for the day.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask her, walking out of my room.

"The amusement park, duh." She says with a laugh as the other girls walk out the door into the car.

"How come?" I ask, confused.

"Cause it's fun!" She says with a smile, grabbing my hand, and running out the door with me. I laugh as I enter the van and shut the door.

"Put on some happy music!" Commissar yells. Stacie, who's driving (smart idea, I know), puts on Hollaback Girl and starts jamming out. We all start jamming out to the point the van shakes. We arrive at the amusement park and park the van.

"Alright! Let's have some fun!" Cynthia yells as she gets out of the van.

"As the American teens would say, yass!" Commissar says, causing us to laugh. We start to walk in where I accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I say, but quickly make my look a cold one. There, standing 2 feet in front of me, with a dumb, shocked look on her face, is Chloe Beale. "Never mind, I'm not."

"Beca..." She starts. I can tell she's trying to contain excitement.

"So this is Beca?" Another girl asks, approaching us. That skank Dawn.

"Yes. I am Beca, the girl who'll beat your ass if you come any closer. Have a nice day." I say sarcastically before walking away into the amusement park.

"Beca wait!" Chloe calls after me, grabbing my hand. Contain yourself, Beca. She hurt you.

"What?" I snap, turning around. She takes a step back at my tone. Ughh I miss her.

"Can you please meet me at Starbucks later? Please?" She pleads, looking at me with a look of wanting me to stay with her.

"Fine." I sigh before yanking my hand away and going back to the group.

Later In The Day

I get up from the couch, remembering that I need to meet Chloe at Starbucks.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Emily asks me, entering the room.

"I'm fine, Em, really." I say before giving her a hug and leaving. I get into my car and start to drive while listening to music. I don't know why Chloe even wanted to meet up with me. She's clearly moved on. Well, has she? I honestly don't know anymore. I pull in at Starbucks and take the keys out of my car. I open the door of Starbucks and walk inside. I see Chloe sitting at the table she reserved for us. I have no clue why she did.

"Hello, Chloe." I say without any emotion in my voice whatsoever.

"Hey, Bec." she says in a gentle voice. I sit down and cross my arms. I don't know what she's going to say, and it's killing me. "Thanks for coming."

"Mm hm." I say while slowly nodding my head. "I'm surprised you didn't invite your girlfriend, Dawn." I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Nothing happened! She kissed me!" Chloe says in a sudden outburst.

"How am I supposed to know that's true?! You left for three years!"

"Because the entire time I was there, I was thinking about you!" She says, her eyes becoming glassy.

"How do I believe that too!?" I yell. "Everything in the media is you and her!" I yell, my eyes becoming watery. We oth sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"I listened to When You're Gone everyday," she admits, "and I cried everytime." I look up at her and see her crying. "Beca, I know you don't trust me right now, but I heard Stacie is having a Bella reunion. I hope to see you there." she says before leaving.

"Woah." I say in shock before going home.

Forever Or Never? (SEQUAL TO FOREVER AND EVER)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang