Chapter One: Tears & Alcohol

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{Nobody's POV}

It was hot as hell that day.

There was no rain, and everyone was sweating... even Mirajane.

It was the first day of them all living together- and they all couldn't stay still.

{Lissana's POV}

The sleeves of my shirt are rolled up, and sister is in a tanktop... sweating. You would think Natsu came and threw his magic at us... HE COULD OF DONE IT WHEN WE WERE SLEEPING!! I BLAME HIM!! GAH!! Mirajane is sweating, but it doesn't make her look bad; WHY?!?! :( I look UGLYYY but she looks perfect?!? WHYYYY?!?!? {Even though Lissana also looks perfect...} My thoughts were stopped when someone shaked me vigirously.

The familiar voice yelled, "IT'S GETTING HOT IN HERE!!! SO TAKE OFF ALL YOUR CLOTHES~~~~!!!"... Bixlow? I turn around and... yup. It's that mage. How can he be fine in this hot hell day? I look at all the boxes and suitcases full of our clothes, personal belongings... etc. Evergreen has the most stuff; followed by Mirajane. Evergreen has 17 suitcases of clothes, and other stuff!!!! Mira only has 16. I have 2; Laxus has 1; Freed has 5; Bixlow has 6...+1. He's carrying my stuff... how kind of him. Elfman has 1 of his own; but is carrying 18... all of Evergreen's. Evergreen has a purse on her shoulder, and she tricked him into carrying everything by teasing him.


"Evergreen, Mira- do you guys need a hand?" (He was trying to impress Evergreen).

"I can carry my own...", Mira told him; then she used Satan soul and carried them all at once.

"Sure.", The brown-haired fairy had replied. Then, she gave him all of her bags.

"E-E-ver!!" He yelled, annoyed.

"What? Are you not enough of a MAN to do it?!" She taunted.

"I'M A MAN." Mr. big and burly said.

"Then, do it.. You can, RIGHT?" She teased.

"YEAH, LEMME DO IT!!" Thus, he took the bait... baka.

End of Flashback

I shrug, giving him a simple "Too Lazy." He rolled his eyes in amusement at that... then I see he has his shirt off; because- you know, boys are allowed to do that- while girls aren't. {Reality is HARSH!!}

"...Plus; I would if I could!! But girl's cant take their shirts off, baka." That makes him laugh more; and from hearing his weird chuckle I just start laughing.

{Bixlow's POV}

She laughs, and I laugh... the moment is perfect. Her laugh is so adorableee, right babies?? Wait; I'm just thinking- I turn around for my babies and they aren't there... where are they?? Oh, well... they'll show up.

"So; you wanna try out that pool?" I ask- pointing in the direction the pool is in. Her eyes widened, and then she put her hands on her face gasping.

"YESSSSSS!!! FIRST SMART IDEA EVER, BIXY!!!" She squealed, jumping. But, Bixy? Bixy? Seriously? Bixy?! It seems like she's drunk... is she?

"GUYS!", Elfman and Evergreen appear... oh right; seven people live here- not just Lisanna and I.

"What is it?", I ask the two lovebirds.

"You know how there is a drinking bar upstairs...? There's also a disco floor!!!", Elfman tells us, excited- but you know 'manly' like. Lisanna and I exchange glances- we must be thinking the same thing!

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