Chapter 5: The day of the party

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{Mira's POV ♡♡}

UGH! Evergreen... weren't you drunk yesterday? How could you of scheduled this party as drunk as you were..? Or, maybe because you were drunk....


{Freed's POV ♤♡♤}

I wonder whose first...

"Erza~~~ when will it start?? I'm boreeed."



"Go check your phone lacrima!! DIDN'T YOU CALL ME?!?"

"But it's all the way over there~~", I complain, stretching my arm out, trying to grab it. Sigh.

"Beep~~." Is it the elevator?! Is it Laxus?!?!? I run over to the elevator... but it's only Bixsanna. ._.

"G'morning.", she says, waving.

"Heya!!" I should check on Laxus.. he might be having trouble getting his clothes on.... hehe. Ezra and Lissanna start chit- chatting.

"Whatcha doin??", a voice asks tapping my shoulder. HOLY!! WHO IS IT!!

"KYAAA!" I squeal, jumping backwards, then I see it, it's only Bixlow.

"Oh, it's only you."

"Ouch!! I'm rejected."

"Well, I'm going up to Laxus. Bye."

"Your so cold to anyone but Laxus... :(("

"I'm nice to you, just not when your annoying."

"Cold." He pouts. I'm about to press the button, but then Laxus comes out!! With... the two lovebirds, or lovemen...


"Oh, hi." He's so cool!! Oh my God! Freed cannot take his looks... Freed has started talking like Juvia!! What do I do..?!? Gah!!

"SLAP." Ouch!! Bixlow just bitch slapped me... Why u do dis?!?!

"You were obsessing over Laxus so much he thought you were sick."

"Blah, blah blah blah..." He was worried about me! Squeal!

"Wow... this is rich kid neighborhood, shrimp." I look over and see Levy and Gajeel... guess they came together..

"I guess so! Lu- chan isn't here yet... aww...." She pouts.

"You YOU!!" Gajeel yells.

"Me??" I ask.

"You invited me, right?!?"


"So do you live here alone...??? This house is freaking big..."

"Oh, no!! The raijinshuu and Strauss siblings live together."

Eh?!?!?!??!?" He yells.

"Is that shocking?" Then I realize, it wasn't just him. It was Gray and Natsu.

"Aye Sir!" ...and Happy.

"Lu-chan!!" Of course, their girls too. That means Jellal is coming soon... wonder where he is.

{Meredy's POV}

"JELLAL!" I yell.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!!"

"Hurry Up!!" Erik yells.

"Isn't it supposed to be the girls who take the longest...??" He asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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