Just Hanging Out

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Harry's p.o.v

She is beautiful. I never thought anybody could look that amazing. I was amazed that I even got to speak a word to her because I was so nervous. But I just happened to run into her when she was looking for her friends. She was gorgeous. Her medium cut, wavy strawberry-blonde, light brown hair, her cute cheekbones, her beautiful green-outside, blue-near-water eyes, her long eyelashes, her light pink lips that look so soft, her skinny figure, her thin arms, her beautiful smile, and the way she always looks adorable. She was like something out of a dream.

"Harry! Wake up man!" Louis said breaking me out of my daydream about Brooklyn.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Boobear." I said, apologizing to Lou

"You've been in a daze, mate. What's been distracting you?" He asked.

"Um...do you know Kennedy's friend, Brooklyn?" I questioned him.

"Brooklyn, Brooklyn, oh yea I remember her!" He responded very loud causing people to stare.

"Lou, I love you, but lower the volume. Anyways, Brooklyn has been on my mind ever since I ran into her in the hallway. She's so beautiful! Her laugh, her smile, her beautiful ey-" I got cut off by Louis.

"Yea, I get it. You like her." He stated, annoyed on how long I was going on about her.

"I don't like her! I think I'm in love with her." I said with a blank face.

"Oo, Harry and Brooklyn sitting in a tree, s-t-r-i-double p-ing. Haha I just said peeing! AHHAHAHAHAHA!" Louis started singing quite loudly. I had to resist the urge to 'brotherly strangle' him right now.

"Lou! Cut it out! We're just gonna hang out!&; I yelled at him.

"Haha! Yea, just hang'ing' out'." He said putting air quotes around every syllable.

"Just shut it already! I still love you Boo, but I LOVE her a lot more than you...especially right now!"cI told him. He made a pouty face.

"Awe! But we were meant to be together!" He replied jokingly. After that, I spent the whole day in a daydream about Brooklyn, and everything about her.


I was so excited when I got 14 reads on the first day! Thanks and I hope you like it so far....oh and btw that isn't my real age either...I'm 12.

Bwa-bye. Mwha. Kiss-kiss. Ta-ta. Night.

-Brooklyn Loyd

Ps sorry it is short! I am too lazy to do another pov so for this time I only put 1 pov in a chapter. I will try to update tomorrow. Once again...Bye!

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