Relationships and Characters

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Kennedy McLain-Darker skin but not really dark. Black curly medium cut hair. Brown eyes. Kinda short. Skinny. Loves horses. Going to go out with Louis Tomlinson.

Mallory Enright-You know what she looks like and who she is dating. Loves to sing, and does so amazingly.

Alayna Ferrind- Darker but not black skin. Brown eyes. Medium height. Skinny. Short black hair. Loves to be loud and not afraid to have an attitude with you. Will date Niall Horan.

Olivia Charles- Tan skinned. Long blonde brown hair. Tall. Sings. Will date Liam Payne.

Savanna Terron- Dark almost black skin. Tall. Short black hair. Has an excellent voice. Will date Zayn Malik

Brooklyn Grant- You already know about me. And probably have guessed who I'm gonna date.

All of us are 17 and these people are real, I changed their last name and age tho.

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