My Oh So "Sweet" Sister

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Brooklyn's pov

Me and Harry have been dating for about three days, so I thought it was time for him to me my mom and stepdad. Right now, we were walking down the hall, holding hands, to lunch.

"Hey Harry?" I asked him once we sat down at our table. The seats were like benches, so I could sit closer to him. I'm cuddled up, legs taking up the whole rest of the bench, with my head on his lap.

"Yes babe?" He responded in his husky voice. I smiled when he called me babe.

"I think you should meet my family. Just to warn you, they are crazier than all of Niall and Alayna put together with a pinch of Louis, but I'm sure you'll be scarred for life after meeting them." I said with a little laugh. He smiled too, flashing his amazing dimples.

"Anyone that you are family, or friends, with, they will be the same to me." He said sweetly. Awe, he is so sweet! To think I thought of him as conceded and rude before. I felt bad doing to him what people do to me, !judging him without getting to know him.

"Awe, you're so sweet! That's why I love you. That and your smile, your laugh, that little twinkle in your eyes, how amazing your hair is, your fabulous-" I started listing before Alayna interrupted me.

"I dido those, but to Niall!" Alayna said giving Niall little nose rubs. They were so cute together!

"And you too, babe!" Niall stated back to Alayna.

"Awe! You two are so cute! You guys will have amazing looking children too! And I don't think that step will be so far away." I whispered the last part so that only me and Harry could hear. Harry tried to hold back a laugh, but failed.

"What?!?" Alayna shouted over me and Harry's laughing.

"Oh, just an inside joke me and this cheeky little fella have." I said pinching Harry's cheeks, still lying down in his lap.

"Little!?! I'm older than you!" Harry said.

"Only by a year!" I replied giving him a pouty face. Then, the bell rang, and me and Harry went to 5th period. It's pretty amazing because we have every class together and we get to choose where we sit, I'm basically always with Harry.

The day went by quickly and me and Harry walked home together. It takes about 45 minutes of walking, so I'm pretty fit from walking home every day. Right in the middle of the walk, it starts to rain. Well this is so cliché. A couple just walk in the rain holding hands.

"So, tell me about your family before I actually get to meet them. I want to be prepared for any surprises." Harry said a bit loud to get his voice over the pouring rain. My hair is completely soaked, and my eyes have turned blue from the rain.

"Well, you see I have a weird family. I have 5 sisters, 2 step brothers, a stepdad, and a divorced mom and dad. I have a dead sister, Veronica-" I started, but Harry cut me off.

"Awe I'm sorry!" He said apologizing for her death.

"Oh, don't be. I wasn't even born. So, I have a dead sister, a sister with autism, Danielle, a half blind sister, Madelyn, who I ditched at the school, haha, two step brothers already graduated, Dayn and Brandyn, two nephews, Luke and Zach, and my other sisters are Larrissa and Britney." I said.

"Wow! Big family." He said.

With that conversation, the walk ended quicker. Time really flys by when I'm with Harry. I love him so much!

"Mum! I'm home! I decided to walk home! I brought a guest!" I yelled for my mom to hear.

"Oh, really!" I heard Madelyn yell from upstairs. I haven't told anybody about Harry yet, and Madelyn loves him the most out of the band. She will kill me.

"Oh god! Please protect me Harry! This girl is dangerous." I whispered into his ears. Then I heard footsteps coming down.

"Is it Olivia? She is my fav- OH MY HOLY SHIT IT'S HARRY FUCKING STYLES!" She said then covered her mouth realizing she just cussed.

"What on earth is he doing here? And why did you bring him home!" She shouted making me and Harry flinch. I scooted behind Harry and he held my hand behind his back.

"Maddy, don't kill me! Harry is my boyfriend. Has been for a couple of days." I said, leaning in to give Harry a peck on the cheek. Madelyn turned red when she saw that and ran at me.

"HARRY!" I said backing into a wall. Madelyn through her hands around my neck and lifted me a few inches off the ground.

"Ha-ar-ry." I said weakly. I saw him running over to me and Madelyn, but then everything went dark. Am I dead? 


Authors Note

Haha my cat was eyeing my sisters French fries, so my sister grabbed one and held it up and the cat reached for it! We both cracked up laughing!

Ah I love my kitties!

I hoped you like! What do you think about it?


loves you!

- Brooklyn

Ps If ya love my story so much...comment if ya want an update or vote for an update!

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