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Well, here's "42!" Took a bit longer than expected, sorry, everyone. It's amazing how many tests I missed for my aunt's funeral . . . and I only had the two study halls.

Let's see who the Doctor and the Alchemist save this time around!


"Right, there we go," the Doctor said brightly, finishing sonicking Martha's phone. "Universal roaming. Never have to worry about a signal again."

"No way!" Martha gasped as the Doctor tossed it back to her. "This is too mad! You're telling me I can phone anyone, anywhere, in space and time on my mobile?"

"As long as you have the area code," the Alchemist winked. "Frequent flier's privilege."

"Go on," the Doctor grinned. "Try it!"

Martha was about to dial when the TARDIS shuddered, tossing them everywhere. "Alice?" the Doctor shouted.

"Distress signal!" she shouted back. "Locking onto it now! Just might be a bit - !" Martha shrieked as she was tossed onto the other side of the TARDIS. "Bumpy!"

The TARDIS finally stopped, and the Doctor poked his head up, looking around. "Well . . . let's take a look!" he said.

The Alchemist poked her head out to take a look around, and she blinked. "Whoa!" she exclaimed, shedding her jacket and tossing it back into the TARDIS. "That's hot!"

"Whuff!" Martha tossed hers in as well. "It's like a sauna in here!"

"Venting systems," the Doctor looked around. "Working at full pelt, trying to cool down. Wherever it is we are . . . well, if you can't stand the heat . . . "

"Oi!" a young man shouted when they made it out of the bulkhead door, two men and a woman running towards them. "You three!"

"Get out of there!" the woman put in.

"Seal that door, now!"

The Alchemist obeyed, locking the door behind them. "Who are you?" the woman demanded, looking between them all. "What are you doing on my ship?"

"Are you police?" the young man asked.

Before the Doctor could even open his mouth, the Alchemist was nodding. "Yes, we are," she nodded. "We got your distress signal."

"If this is a ship, why can't I hear engines?" the Doctor looked down and around.

"It went dead four minutes ago," the woman answered.

"So maybe we should stop chatting and get to Engineering, Captain," the older man put in with a look.

"Secure closure active."

"What?" the woman gasped, looking around.

"The ship's gone mad!" the older man exclaimed.

The faint sound of bulkheads slamming reached their ears, and a young woman came running down the hall, just narrowly arriving before the bulkhead slammed shut. "Who activated secure closure?" she asked. "I nearly got locked into Area 27!" She blinked, seeing the newcomers. "Who are you?"

"He's the Doctor, she's the Alchemist, and I'm Martha," Martha answered with a wave. "Hello."

"Impact projection in 42:27."

"We'll get out of this, I promise," the captain said, looking at her crew members.

Martha looked out the porthole, and she blanched. "Doctor? Alchemist?"

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