Run Like Cowards

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Emotion overwhelmed Natasha, so much so that she thought her chest would explode. But she did not cry, nor did she fall onto her knees because her legs felt incredibly weak. Instead, she watched the black shadow emerge from her friend and dart into the hallway.

With rage rising up within her, she willed her legs to move quickly below her and follow the black beast while ignoring everyone who tried to stop her.

She followed it down the hall, and when it phased through the floor she headed for the stairs, determined to not lose it; but a hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

It was Thor.

"Lady Natasha, I find that it would not be best to follow it."

"What was that?" Tony asked, breathless from the run.

"Some kind of evil spirit or sorceress." Thor guessed while he continued to hold his grip on the woman who now began to let the sadness to seep back in.

"I hope it's the latter."

Thor looked at him in question.

"What? I'd rather have the comfort in knowing that that thing is at least human." Tony clarified. "Anyways, what are we going to do."

"Like Clint warned us to do. Leave."

Natasha flinched when Wanda said his name.

"One problem." Steve said. "That thing locked the doors."

"Then we'll break a window!" Tony said exasperated. He could feel his anxiety building faster and faster. The huge house suddenly was feeling smaller by the minute. He tried to focus on breathing to forget about it, but it was looming over him like a monster.

"So you'll all run like cowards?" Pietro asked, a strange humor in his voice.

Everyone looked at the young man cautiously, but he had his back turned to them and was looking over the railing of the balcony.

"Pietro..." Wanda touched his shoulder. "Is something wrong?"

He quickly turned around and pulled her against him, letting the cool metal of a sharp knife rest under her chin.

"Never been better."

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