Mostly Ghostly

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"Pietro this isn't you, fight it."

His sister urged, but this only caused the knife to be pressed harder against her skin.

"Look at what you're doing Pietro. Don't let this thing control you." Natasha was trying to calculate the best way to approach this situation without having anyone else die.

"Oh cute. Little Natalia trying to be brave." Pietro said with an amused smirk, "We all know you're just a scared little child inside, afraid of the boogey-man catching you for your sins."

"Stop this madness! What do you want?" Thor boomed.

Pietro tilted his head and sized up the Asgardian. "I want you to finish it."

"Finish what?"

"My song."

"Why don't you just see a musical?" Tony joked.

Not smart.

With Pietro's speed he left his spot from behind Wanda and appeared in front of Tony.

"I won't stop these killings until it is finished." He whispered menacing, "So you better warm up your voice."

"We'll stop you." Tony faked confidence.

"I like to see you try." He said as his eyes narrowed.

With a blur he moved away from Tony and approached his sister once again.

"Please Pietro." She whispered as she searched his eyes, but the monster would not let him go.

"Goodnight dear sister."

He said as he quickly grabbed her from the waist and hauled her into the air and swiftly  pushed her off the railing. Her hands stretched out before her to find his hands as she fell and her eyes pleaded for him to save her.

But no help came and she met her untimely death by the hands of her brother.

"I will allow you to GO NO FURTHER." Thor yelled as he sprang towards him and tried to grab him from his shirt, but Pietro was too fast.

He laughed in glee when he made it past Thor's strong grip and stopped at the start of the left hallway. He threw the knife he had earlier in the air playfully and caught it with the sharp blade against his palm.

He squeezed his hand and let the blood drip to the floor.

" I won't stop until all your blood is spilt." He watched each drop of blood drip on the floor before looking up at the small group.

"Finish it and be spared." He sneered before he brought the blade to his throat and drew a Crimson streak across his neck. The wound blazed like red a smile before spilling onto his chest. Only then did his eyes clear and he fell to the ground.

Another life lost.

Tony slumped against the wall, " I can't take this." His worst nightmare is playing out before him and he felt like he had no power to stop it. He would have to watch every one of his friends die.

"We have to fight." Thor said casting a pitying look toward Pietro.

"But how?" Tony asked. "We don't even know if this thing can be fought."

"We can't just give up after what he did to them." Steve said as he look solemnly at the railing.

"We have to finish it if we want to stop him." Natasha said. "We have to finish his song."

"What song?!" Tony exclaimed. He didn't like not knowing.

"Tili Tili Bom" she said, "Can't you see? This is how all of this all started."

"Wait he said his song... Are you trying to tell me he's that Russian bogey-man?" Tony started laughing and he was pretty sure he had lost it at that point.

"Don't mock him." Thor said looking around their surroundings.

"Oh Thor don't tell me you believe it too."

"I believe that he's dangerous and won't stop until we comply."

Steve nodded, "We need to do as he said."

"But every time miss redhead opens her mouth to sing, something bad happens."



"We'll have to face him either way." Steve said with a shrug. "I'll go down fighting."

"And I." Thor said with a nod.

Natasha looked to Tony and he stood, "Yeah whatever, I'm gonna act like I'm not about to piss my pants."

Natasha allowed a small smile to pull at her lips, but it quickly melted when the piano could be heard playing down one of the halls.

The melody was all too familiar to her.

"He's mocking me." Natasha's jaw clenched. "Get ready boys, I'm about to kick Mostly Ghostly's ass."


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